I have added motion controller components to my Character Blueprint, and I have added axis mappings and an action mapping to the right motion controller. In my character class I used BindAxis and BindAction for movement and teleporting and it was working just fine, but then it stopped out of nowhere. I can’t seem to get any communication from the motion controllers whatsoever. I used UE_LOG to see if my action or axis mappings were even getting fired. The axis mapping returns a value of 0.0 every frame even when I’m using the thumbstick, and my action mapping function doesn’t even get called even when pressing the trigger button it’s mapped to.
Is there anything I need to do/set to ensure that these mappings are set correctly? In the character blueprint I do have Auto Possess Player set to Player 0.
Are you wearing the HMD or bypassing the Proximity Sensor with the Debug Tool (or by putting a finger on it)? No motion controller input is received unless the HMD is worn or the proximity sensor bypassed.