[Oculus/Vive] Stuck on loading screen in HMD

I am having trouble of getting Oculus and the Vive to work right with the HMD in either 4.17 or 4.18 both are up to date, and they seem to work in game but the HMD isn’t showing the game it just stays stuck on a loading screen. Note: I have no problems playing VR games other than Valve games which don’t work anymore for either.

Also to add I always see SteamVR saying (unresponsive)ue4editor.exe but this issue still happened with a compiled game that didn’t do that it was a VR Template. I have no modification with the VR template, and I tried VR.

Same here on Pimax 8KX.
Win10, all system and HMD related drivers updated.
For me it happens on on Unreal Engine 5 when loading default VR Template project and trying to preview it.

Had similar issue with UE4 but somehow managed to get rid of it. Don’t remember how though :frowning: