Oculus validator claims my app is built with Unity

I packaged my game for Shipping (using 4.18.1) and ran the Oculus VRC Validation tool which reported the following:

Starting TestSdkVersion
SDK version detected 1.17 for processId 0x22d8
SDK version detected 1.17 for processId 0x22d8
Engine Identification for processId 0x22d8
EngineName: Unity
EnginePluginName: OVRPlugin
EnginePluginVersion: 1.19.0
EngineVersion: ++UE4+Release-4.18-
ERROR: The application is built against an older Unity version
Please refer to VRC Guidelines: Not Found | Oculus
Cleaning up…

So I downloaded Oculus-VR’s fork of the engine on GitHub, packaged it and got exactly the same result. Apart from the SDK version being listed as 1.19 and the EnginePluginVersion being listed as 1.20.0. But still Unity as EngineName.

Apart from the SDK version test, all the other tests pass.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to solve this?

I just got word from Oculus that their VRC Validator (version isn’t working as intended and that they will roll out a new one with the release of their next SDK update.