Oculus Touch Thumbstick...Only axis mappings work?

Hi Marco,

This is exactly what I have been trying to do but I still can’t get it right. Anyway you could post a blueprint image?

Groovy’s solution doesn’t seem to work in UE4.24 … any ideas in how to make this work again?

I assigned the Input of the oculus touch to my own ones. “MotionController Left ThumbStick Right” is “Oculus Touch(L) ThumbStick Right”, for the others the same.

This makes it that whatever you wanna execute shoot only once and waits for your InputAxis value to turn “under 0.5” until it does it again. Just tested it with my oculus rift s and it worked fine.

I have no clue what ThumbStick X and Y are supposed to do though, since we have left/right, up/down. Deprecated maybe?