oculus SDK released


QueueAhead now works by just installing the runtime.

Enable/Disable with ‘HMD QAHEAD’ from the console. This makes a hugh difference to performance!

Is QueueAhead confirmed to be working in UE4.8 with runtime?

Yep, Ive tested it myself.

All the code was already in the 4.8 plugin to enable it.

with QAhead off,
Increase screen percentage of a basic scene in small steps until frame rate halfs to 37.5fps.
Turn on Qahead.
Watch framerate return to 75fps.

Unfortunatly as we currently cant disable vsync that is the only way I could think of testing it.

Given all the caveats of this new version, I’m apt to hold off, but you have piqued my interest!

@Opamp77: thanks for the heads-up!

Can I ask how you’re toggling Queue Ahead? Through c++ API calls ([FONT=Courier New]ovrHmd_SetBool(Hmd, “QueueAheadEnabled”, ovrFalse) as mentioned in the SDK link), or is there a handy console variable for us lazy non-coders? :wink:

you should be able to use the console commands…

Great, thanks!

does this work in 4.7 at all? I think I’m skipping 4.8.

Just out of curiosity… why are you skipping 4.8? We jumped to 4.8 with great relief, due to the vastly improved stability in WIN & OSX. Just curious.


The only 4.7.6 version with intergrated sdk would be the Oculus github branch 4.7-0.6 https://github.com/Oculus-VR/UnrealEngine/tree/4.7-0.6.

Hi there, In my 4.8.1 the HMD in the console didnt prompt me the command.

What should i do?

When I start my game my character model stays in one place(doesn’t move as it should), while my character camera moves as it should with my input setup, as do all weapon effects (follow camera). Everything worked fine in 4.7, also seems like a lot of people are having problems in general. I figure I would try to migrate when 4.9 comes out.

@generico: What command do you mean? What is the actual problem?