Oculus Rift consumer version preorders open now! $599, shipping March 2016

I think a less than stellar product would kill VR faster than the pricepoint will. If this is the pricepoint they need to sell the device at to be able to deliver excellent quality then I think it’s a good call.

Those were the responses directly from Oculus when I asked them about it. Kind of important for developers to be able to test their products that they are releasing “Day 1” against the released runtime. We will not have that capability unless the project is submitted to, and then approved by, FB/OR

People only understands what a fad really is when money slaps in the face…
Still, will take years until most realise the situation that many saw coming back 2012.

I don’t think VR is a fad. It’s a new technology, with a ton of new hardware and new hardware specifications. It’s going to take some time for the cost of those parts and manufacturing to be reduced in cost. 2nd gen will be 3/4 the price of CV1, CV3 will be 1/2 the cost, etc… Just like any other technology that has come prior.

TV’s aren’t a fad, are they? Well, sure, I guess they are. But they’re a long term fad :stuck_out_tongue: Same with cell phones, smart phones, tablets, computers, cars, planes, etc…

Please, 2017 or 2018 come back here and tell how many of the ppl you know not involved with game development whose have one of these headsets.

Actually, I know a couple of people (not game developers) with the GearVR, and one with a DK2 (also, not a game dev). But in 2018, I suspect we’ll see CV2, if not 3, by then.

By 2018 it must be $99 to stay relevant; if they fail that, they prove that they were simply lying to early adopters of this very very niche machine.

You are not a very huge fan of VR, are you :smiley:

i sure 99$ its impossible for 2018 for a HMD with the latest technology like eye tracking, technologies that its a “must have”. … 300$ its good price for a HMD for the mass if they fix the other main problem of RV today the graphic requirements.

Definitely the CV2 must have eye tracking/foveat rendering, until that the RV going to be expensive. If they release a HMD with a 300$ price with that technologies that do the work ok with a 150-200$ graphic card then we can begin thinking in decent amount of consumers like lots of gamers. Not something for the masses but RV not going to jump from very expensive to cheap in the next years. At least if we speak about a decent quality HMD.

And then wireless and that must be expensive first years, the right movement in that i think its do the first years optional, have the possibility to buy a cheap HMD wired or more expensive one wireless.

I focus on thing’s problems; I’m a fixer, it’s my nature. If I didn’t like anything about VR I would simply not care if it sells or not.

I have contact with my local gaming community, around ~200 known faces to me. Around 60% of them would buy a Oculus… Now they are 0%.

Yes, but by 2018 we will see price reductions and higher quality around the board. By 2020 (my expected date, and has been), it (a VR HMD) will be a mainstream device.

Because statistics using your local circle are always the most objective kind of statistic…

Currently all HMD vendors are selling all their stock, even obscure VR systems like the razer HDK OSVR doesn’t have any stock. None of us can’t really tell what will happen in the future (sorry, you can’t) but for now this doesn’t look like a fad.

Funny, Ouya developers told me exactly the same.
When I said mobile game dev would see $20+ million budget games being made in 5 years and indies would stop making any money from it as soon as the big dogs are in, they also said I was a fool :wink:

But that is not predicting future, it’s just ‘looking around’. I see ppl talking about PS4s, not Oculus… And guess what, the behavior is always the same no matter where you live at.
You don’t need to count every single grain to know how much sand there’s on the beach.

Can’t really equate a VR HMD with a PS4. The PS4 is a 4th generation device. If you equated it with a Playstation 1… before it actually came out and was not advertised to the mass public, then that is more like what you’re seeing now.

If you are so good at this then you should try stock market.

Meanwhile, we the mortals, will wait and see what actually happens.

It’s where my monies are :s
But I don’t invest in companies from the games field. Too risky.

Btw, I’m not saying it’s impossible. I’m just saying they will never be mainstream unless they change a lot (very big lot) of things they have to change to make it happen.

On a brief side note, my cousin is a stock broker for a major firm. When FB purchased Oculus, I knew I was going to invest. They were trading for, iirc, around $40/share. I gave him a shout, and he figured that while it’s a good long term investment, he couldn’t see it jumping in price. I sold the stock (I needed some funds to help move across country) at $110/share :slight_smile:

Oculus units have been adopted by a couple major universities, architecture, automotive, space and military. It’s not going anywhere but up from here.

Now the real question is how many years before we see a user base for gaming. Because I’d rather be creating a magical imagination world then recreating some blueprint’s building walkthrough.

Hover Junkers initiated a indiego campaign recently, its i think the first campaign about a VR exclusive game after Oculus released the price.
With good quality and make use of VR controls, that mean they market its only VR consumers.

100.000$ its his goal @ 35$

lets see next month the VR market… i think they not going to reach his goal or approach