same problem here, not getting any input from the remote (using Unreal 4.11.2)
Found a partial workaround: the up down left right on the Oculus Remote triggers the corresponding Gamepad D-Pad events. Haven’t found anything corresponding to the enter, back or home key.
UDATE: also found the keys for home & back button in the OculusInputStat.h
Buttons[(int32)EOculusRemoteControllerButton::DPad_Up].Key = FGamepadKeyNames::DPadUp;
Buttons[(int32)EOculusRemoteControllerButton::DPad_Down].Key = FGamepadKeyNames::DPadDown;
Buttons[(int32)EOculusRemoteControllerButton::DPad_Left].Key = FGamepadKeyNames::DPadLeft;
Buttons[(int32)EOculusRemoteControllerButton::DPad_Right].Key = FGamepadKeyNames::DPadRight;
Buttons[(int32)EOculusRemoteControllerButton::Enter].Key = FGamepadKeyNames::SpecialRight;
Buttons[(int32)EOculusRemoteControllerButton::Back].Key = FGamepadKeyNames::SpecialLeft;
So I found out what happens: In the OculusInput.cpp there is a bool flag hardcoded to TRUE that decides whether the remote buttons are mapped to the gamepad or not. Tried flipping the flag and got compile errors so I’m rolling with the gamepad buttons for now. Hope that helps!
/** Are Remote keys mapped to gamepad or not. */
bool FOculusInput::bRemoteKeysMappedToGamepad = true;
FOculusInput::FOculusInput( const TSharedRef< FGenericApplicationMessageHandler >& InMessageHandler )
: MessageHandler( InMessageHandler )
, ControllerPairs()
PreInit(); // @TODO: call it sooner to avoid 'Warning InputKey Event specifies invalid' when loading a map using the custom keys
// take care of backward compatibility of Remote with Gamepad
if (bRemoteKeysMappedToGamepad)
Same problem in 4.11.2
How to get Oculus Remote event in blueprint?
Copypasta from Oculus Forums: (just tried it out and works!)
As you guys noticed, by default the Oculus remote is set to mirror gamepad buttons. From the comments it sounds like this was so some older apps would just work with the remote without needing to build new input mappings. If you want to use the real Oculus remote input mappings, open your project’s DefaultEngine.ini and add the following:
From now on the Oculus remote should correctly map to the Oculus remote inputs in UE4. No source changes required.
- Dave (Gnometech) (LEAP motion(?))
Great!! I will try it! Thanks
Just wanted to add a little more info - If you DONT want to add anything to your .ini you can use “special right” and “special left” nodes - but you wont have access to volume or home buttons…
Enter = SpecialRight
Back = SpecialLeft`
Hello Alexotronic,
both options didn’t work =(
Can you post the link to the Oculus forum? Regards!
Hello again! Now the first option worked! Many thanks
This work partially, I can’t get the volume up or down to work T_T
For some reason with the Oculus Remote, it is not linked with the enter button. I tried Gamepad Special Right and for some reason that is linked to the enter button the Oculus remote. Try that out.
FOculusInput::LoadConfig() looks for an override from your DefaultEngine.ini here:
void FOculusInput::LoadConfig()
const TCHAR* OculusTouchSettings = TEXT("OculusTouch.Settings");
float ConfigThreshold = TriggerThreshold;
if (GConfig->GetFloat(OculusTouchSettings, TEXT("TriggerThreshold"), ConfigThreshold, GEngineIni))
TriggerThreshold = ConfigThreshold;
const TCHAR* OculusRemoteSettings = TEXT("OculusRemote.Settings");
bool b;
if (GConfig->GetBool(OculusRemoteSettings, TEXT("bRemoteKeysMappedToGamepad"), b, GEngineIni))
bRemoteKeysMappedToGamepad = b;
So if you add this to your DefaultEngine.ini, the remote will work as an independent input device: