Oculus Quest - Shadows not rendering for Moving character

Hi everyone, so we are fairly new to Unreal and not entirely sure what we are doing wrong. We have a 3D elephant that we purchased and placed within our level and all the elephant does is walk from point A to B. In the preview editor the elephant has shadows but when we package and run the project onto the Oculus Quest then the elephant no longer has any shadows??

  • The directional lights are stationary and cast shadows are set to true
  • The elephant , cast shadows is set to true as well as dynamic shadows.

Are we missing a project or packaging setting that doesnt allow for the elephant specifically to have a shadow or is it because it moves? Please any help will be greatly appreciated.

Did you ever figure this out? My shadows render if I play with a link cable but all shadows disappear once I launch to device standalone.

Have same issue. Di you figure it out?