Oculus Quest Hand Jitter


I am using the VR Template provided with UE4. I have made all the advised changes and launched successfully on the Quest. Game runs smoothly, however there is a ‘jittering’ movement to the default hands. Other moving objects in the scene do not jitter, even one of the blue grab cubes seems fine when being held.

I have tried with no success the following:

  • Swapping the hand mesh out for the Oculus sample hands. With a simple shader.
  • Disable all shadows.
  • Using the OculusAvatar plugin. I have VB 2015 and the C++ libraries, trying to open the sample Avatar project errors, telling me to recompile from source.

Just about to try UE 4.23 preview.

Any help will be much appreciated.

did you follow a tutorial for swapping the hand mesh out for the Oculus sample hands? If so can you send me the link