Hey guys,
I’ve been experimenting with AR/MR with the Quest 3. I was looking through Oculus’ sample projects. However, the occlusion sample (GitHub - oculus-samples/Unreal-OcclusionSample: This sample demonstrates objects occlusion functionality. The Oculus SDK and other supporting material is subject to the Oculus proprietary license.) does not seem to function at all.
According to the docs, hard occlusion should work for 5.2 (which I originally tested) but I had no success there. For soft occlusions, they recommend building the Oculus branch from source, which I ended up doing, but still no success…
Not sure if there’s anything I’m missing. So far their other sample projects just worked out of the box. This one boots, requests permission to use the depth data and then opens but the occlusion functionality does not work. Has anyone gotten this project to work yet?
I’m running the following setup:
Unreal Engine 5.3 (Latest Oculus branch build) (oculus-5.3.0-release-1.91.0-v59.2)
Android SDK: 34.0.0, 33.0.2, 30.0.3 and 29.0.2 installed. Min version 31, target version 31
Android NDK: 25.1.8937393 installed
Android SDK Command-line Tools: 11.0 installed
CMake: installed
JDK: installed
Any help would be greatly appreciated!