Oculus Mobile SDK 1.0.3 with multi-view support


Can I has it?


  1. When is it coming to UE4 ? (4.13 please)
  2. Is UE4 going to render multi-view on Android for Gear VR with 1.0.3 mobile SDK ?

Multi-view is awesome :slight_smile: We’re shooting to get this done for 4.13. The work for multi-view is being done now, and we’re optimistic we’ll hit the cut off for 4.13. As a fallback, we’re going to make sure that the majority of the API changes will be in 4.13, so that adding support to 4.13 through a simple merge will be possible.

Will that only affect mobile stuff or also desktop VR? It sounds similar to instanced stereo rendering, ist it just the same for mobile?

Yes, multi-view is only for mobile, and fills much the same space as instanced stereo does on the desktop. You’re trying to reduce the overhead of multiple draw calls in both cases

Fingers crossed for 4.13!