[OCULUS] - Create Session BP, Success and Failure at the same time?

UE 4.24, with its native SDK

So, I’ve been trying to create a MP session using Oculus Subsystem. I think I did everything correct, from setting my ID and Matchmaking Pool in my Dashboard to changing the proper stuff in my DefaultEngine.ini and turning Oculus plugin ON. I followed the steps from the official doc (developer.oculus.com/documentation/unreal/ps-oss-sessions/)

Somehow, when I try to Create Session, my code goes through both On Failure and On Success results (on this order). I get even to Open Level successfully(it opens the lvl), but I don’t think it’s an ‘online’ level since in the other PC my Find Sessions fails to search.

Relevant log from Create Session:
[2020.01.27-18.31.45:457][383]LogOnlineSession: Warning: Oculus: Cannot create session ‘GameSession’: session already exists.
[2020.01.27-18.31.45:756][410]LogOnlineSession: Warning: Oculus: Can’t start an online session (GameSession) in state InProgress
[2020.01.27-18.31.45:756][410]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [Menu_C_0] Not working
[2020.01.27-18.31.47:748][584]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [Menu_C_0] Created!
[2020.01.27-18.31.47:758][585]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from InProgress to LeavingMap
2020.01.27-18.32.27:694][503]LogGameState: Match State Changed from InProgress to LeavingMap
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:694][503]LogNet: Browse: /Game/Multiplayer/TestMapOnline?listen
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:695][503]LogHMD: FSplash::OnShow
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:695][503]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/Multiplayer/TestMapOnline?listen
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:695][503]LogWorld: BeginTearingDown for /Game/Multiplayer/UEDPIE_0_TestMap
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:695][503]LogWorld: UWorld::CleanupWorld for TestMap, bSessionEnded=true, bCleanupResources=true
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:695][503]LogSlate: InvalidateAllWidgets triggered. All widgets were invalidated
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:706][503]LogAudioMixer: Display: Flush succeeded in the source manager command queue (1).
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:726][503]LogAudioMixer: Display: Flush succeeded the source manager command queue (2).
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:797][503]LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 3.42ms
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:823][503]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world TestMapOnline
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:823][503]LogLoad: Game class is ‘SteamGameMode_C’
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:823][503]LogNet: ReplicationDriverClass is null! Not using ReplicationDriver.
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:823][503]LogNetCore: DDoS detection status: detection enabled: 0 analytics enabled: 0
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:824][503]LogInit: WinSock: Socket queue. Rx: 131072 (config 131072) Tx: 131072 (config 131072)
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:824][503]PacketHandlerLog: Loaded PacketHandler component: Engine.EngineHandlerComponentFactory (StatelessConnectHandlerComponent)
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:824][503]LogNet: GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_1 IpNetDriver listening on port 7777
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:832][503]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/Multiplayer/UEDPIE_0_TestMapOnline.TestMapOnline up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2020.01.27-15.32.27
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:832][503]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.007829
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:833][503]LogOnlineVoice: Oculus: Stopping networked voice for user: 0
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:838][503]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from EnteringMap to WaitingToStart
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:838][503]LogGameState: Match State Changed from EnteringMap to WaitingToStart
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:838][503]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from WaitingToStart to InProgress
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:840][503]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [OnlineTestController_C_0] Server: HOST SELECTED
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:840][503]LogGameState: Match State Changed from WaitingToStart to InProgress
[2020.01.27-18.32.27:840][503]LogLoad: Took 0.144400 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/Multiplayer/TestMapOnline)

My Find Matchmaking Sessions, it returns On Failure always.

What am I missing here? I already did MP sessions using Steam OSS w/ no big problems. I tried to search on “Can’t start an online session in state InProgress” but didn’t find anything.

I have an issue with any OSS command failing in PIE, automatically. My guess is that your running those from a player controller, or else have the RPC event’s replication to multicast?

@cazetta Did you ever find the solution?