Ocean does not work in game mode, session or published worlds.

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



Ocean displays in editor just fine.
When I switch to game mode in editor is suddenly does not work.
Even when I publish the world to private version it does not work.

Steps to Reproduce

Create ocean
See if it works both in editor and game modes.

Expected Result

Create ocean and see that it works in editor but not in game mode / view.

Observed Result

Ocean is visible in editor mode, but invisible in game mode, game view, published game.



Island Code


Additional Notes

I asked around and multiple people seem to be having similar bug.
Its sort of high prio. :X

Any info about this?

I’m interested in why it’s not working for you,

Can you post an overhead pic from editor, with the waterzone box in view ?

Omfg, you made me check waterzone and it was set to invisible in game, which apparently turn the ocean off aswell.

Weird thing is I did not touch this at all and after some patch is just disappeared with some people reporting similar issues on discord, so I thought its some bug lol.

Weird thing is it did not get fixed even when creating new ocean / waterbody…

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Maybe the waterzone is glitched and needs to be deleted too

No I mean it actually fixed the issue. The invisible ocean was related to hidden waterzone.
I had the waterzone hidden under the landscape as I prefer the look of the flat ocean so I did not really noticed this, maybe it just somehow switched in some maps, dont know.

Now another issue of water / swimming being / happening way above the actually “sea” level or visual waterplane.

I dont know how to mark answer as solution here, but I gues the initial issue is solved…

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Cool, 1 issue down

Yes, the flat ocean looks nice and calm.
Unfortunately the flat ocean is meant for distance visuals

the Waterzone represents the playable area and should be much larger than the island. With a medium island the Zone Extents would be 160000 + , it needs to contain the playable area to make the VK Waterbodies work correctly.
The Ocean settings has Ocean Extents, which should be the same size as the waterzone Zone Extents, and it also has Collision Extents (almost at bottom of settings), which the X & Y should be set to half the Zone Extents (calculates from centre out, instead of volume width) the Z value I haven’t played around with it but it may be relevent…

To keep the non-ocean waters behaving, they need to be within the waterzone and its a good idea to make the oceans centre spline go around them, probably shaped to roughly follow just inside the coastline.

Hey!!, if the height of ocean collision extent overlaps another vk waterbody, does that cause an issue ??? is that why I have been using the oceans circle spline to go around lakes and pools ??? hmmmm

Hopefully the ocean inside the waterzone can be tweaked to achieve the same level of calm as the outer ocean.

Broooooooooooo!!! about 50 forums late you guys save my ■■■. mine was the waterzone – actor hidden in game. thanks!!!