I used recomputed visibility volume and added r.ShowPrecomputedVisibilityCells=1
to DefaultEngine.ini but occluded primitives parameter is always 0 not greater.
Hi Saeedc,
When using precomputed visibility you will also want to make sure that you’ve build lighting for the scene since this is a requirement of using precomptued visibility.
When testing if occlusion is working from the editor use the stat command “Stat InitViews” in PIE or a standalone game for the most reliable stats.
Pay attention to the stats for:
Statically Occluded Primitives: This shows how many primitives were determined invisible by precomputed visibility after frustum culling took place. This will only be visible when the camera view is inside a visibility cell.
Occluded Primitives: This shows how many primitives were determined invisible by both precomputed visibility and the dynamic occlusion system.
Decompress Occlusion: This shows how much time was spent decompressing precomputed visibility. Large volumes or smaller cell sizes can increase the memory used which will affect the time it takes to decompress.