Obstacle Course Props Appear Visually Different Since Version 33.00 Update


Some of the obstacle course props appear visually incorrect on performance mode. This was potentially introduced with Chapter 6, version 33.00, but it could have been overlooked until now as well.

Affected props include:

  • Window
  • Half Wall
  • Half Wall Half
  • Brace (Triangle)
  • Solid (Wall)

The window is the worst offender, as half of the obstacle course pieces has an incorrectly colored surface. Rather than the color it should be, one half appears as a mess of black and grey colors.

The other pieces (half wall, half wall half, brace) have the upper edge of the piece missing. Rather than showing the darkly-colored frame on the upper edge, it is just cut off at a sharp angle.

Finally, the “Solid” pieces (walls) have Z-fighting on one half of the piece. The colored interior of the piece fights with the darkly-colored frame for which surface should be on top.

These issues can not be corrected by the user as they are built-in fortnite props.

Please select what you are reporting on:


What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Be in a map with obstacle course window pieces
  2. Be playing on performance mode graphics
  3. Observe 1 half of the window piece appears visually incorrect.


  1. Be in a map with obstacle course “solid” (wall) pieces
  2. Be playing on performance mode graphics
  3. Observe 1 half of the wall piece appears to have Z-fighting

Expected Result

Obstacle course pieces have no Z-fighting, have the proper material, and have the frame on all edges.

Observed Result

Some obstacle course pieces are missing a frame on one edge, have the wrong material on one surface, or have internal Z-fighting.


PC, performance

FORT-831472 has been added to our ‘To Do’ list. Someone’s been assigned this task.

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