i’m working on a character presentation. i would like to use an hdri as environment, but i don’t want it to be visible on background but still being used for reflections. Is there any way to do it ??? the solution i think about is creating a cyclorama but the object is visible in reflection…so other question, is there a way to make an object visible to camera, but invisible to reflection ?
There is no direct way to do this, but there is a work around which can help simulate what you are looking for. To set this up you will need to make sure that you have the following things in your level:
Post Process Volume, set to unbound and with ScreenSpace Refelctions Intenisty set to 0 and checked true.
Sphere Reflection Actor encompassing only your character area and not the Background, Cyc component.
A Sky Light set to affect world and not cast shadows
Once though are in the level, you will need to find a cubemap that you want to use for reflections, you can test this setup by using the Desert_Outer_HDR texture in the Engine Content. In your sky light, change the Source Type to SLS Specified Cubemap and apply your selected cubemap. This is the image which will be used in all reflections based on metallic or roughness in your character’s materials.
One thing to be aware of (and you can see this if you use the Desert texture mentioned above) is that you are using a static cubemap that is not based in your level so lighting will still be represented so if you have a directional light baked into the cubemap (sun source) that doesn’t match the sun source in your level you will get two sun sources. For what you are wanting to do it is a minor issue that can be mitigated fairly easily by using a more generic cubemap.
Is there any possibility to generaty this effect for mobile platforms? The Skylight works only in static mode on mobile platforms. Unfortunately the results I get in the mobile preview with static actors and a static Skylight aren’t nearly as good as they are in Station mode. Further more I have the problem that I have an “exploding” pawn. An object that is spreading to see every part in it. To realize this I have moveable parts in pawn. And this parts aren’t effected by the skylight on mobile platforms.
The effect I describe above works on mobile and should be more mobile friendly than using a scene generated cubemap which works best on stationary skylights.
For the exploding pawn, you would need to simulate the reflections through a material addition of a cubemap UV via a Reflection Vector and added to the Base Color (if indoor environment) or put into emissive (if outdoor environment). This is the way reflections were done before PBR and will still generate decent reflections.
Hi Eric, thanks for the tip with cubemap and the reflection vector. Maybe you can screenshot or a link where I can see the a material created with that method. Would be great. THX a lot.
Here is the basic material setup I am using a Translucent Surface Material but I think that just shows the differences between interior and exterior setup better.