I’m using UE 4.16.3
I’m currently playing around with the built in VR blueprints and maps and I’m able to add other static mesh objects that can be picked up, I finally figured out if I move the pivot in maya and import it I can make the object snap to that location, for something like a sword or gun.
However what I’m having difficulty with now is object weight., currently I’m trying a sword, and it seems like it weighs nothing, when I throw it it just spins out of control… I want the object to have a bit of heft to it. I’ve tried changing the weight in the static mesh details of the blueprint. I’ve tried changing linear and angular dampening… limiting angular velocity… nothing… the object just flies out of control.
I’m just using the basic built in VR blueprint, nothing special yet.
also is there an easier way to set where to grab an object? I’ve tried, sockets and those don’t seem to work very well. setting the pivot in maya does work, I’m sure there’s a better option I just can’t figure it out.