Object leaving a trail after moving

I noticed that my object leaves a trail behind every time I move it. Do you know how to make it disappear?
I am trying to make a laser. I have tried to disable AA and Blur, but it didn’t work.

I think you’ll find it’s Lumen. I have no idea what to do about it… :slight_smile:

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If this is a lumen issue you could try making sure it doesn’t emit light or in your post process goto Global illumination tab and speed up the lumen final gathering time. However this make things that are blown out on emissive give a noisy effect to the objects the light bounces off of.

Since there appear somewhat similar smears in my project, you might want check, if they are anti-aliasing related, or more specifically, if they are TAA or TSR related :confused:

I noticed such smears for some objects, if i use either TAA or TSR as anti-aliasing method, while FXAA worked pretty fine and the smears were gone (or at least, i could not notice them anymore). However, FXAA itroduced some other problems in different places, so i am not sure, which one is worse -.-´

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