So I’m still fairly inexperienced with creating static meshes in Unreal engine 4. All of the tables in this area have been made in the unreal engine from brushes and converted into static meshes. As such, I’ve had no opportunities to create a UV for any of the models. I don’t even know what a UV is. When I build the lighting in the environment, I get error messages stating: “Object has overlapping UVs.” and "Lightmap UV are overlapping by 86.4%. Please adjust content - Enable Error Coloring to Visualize.
Looking up some tutorials online there seems to be a way to automatically rebuild the UVs on the static meshes. However, it seems like that feature has either been removed, or moved from the Static mesh viewer.
I’m stuck and I don’t know how to rebuild these UV’s and avoid getting these errors and strange shading.
The build lightmaps feature is still present, its just in a different place.
Besides that, the bsp’s should not be used to make meshes as its for blockout of levels only.
You cant expect them to generate proper lightmaps and such.
As you can see on the image, halfway there is a reimport button and a “generate lightmap uv’s” which will do what you want. (Though I personally really hate this new placement)
I would suggest getting blender/max/maya/modo and learn how to model in such packages.
I’m currently in the process of learning Blender, but I don’t want to throw away all of the static meshes that I’ve made in unreal. Interestingly enough, when I change one of the features of the table, say check or un-check the Generate Lightmap UVs box and then save, the tables look great. It is only when I build the lighting that the tables get all spotchy.
that is because you get a preview shadow/lightmap which isnt the final result. it used daynamic lighting untill you rebuild lights.
You can try and increase your lightmap, but if you are learning blender you could export your ue4 generated meshes and improve their lightmap (and looks).
Hmmm. So the “Create Static Mesh” function in the engine is effectively useless once lighting is rebuilt? I just made another item with it from placeholder BSPs, and it has the same patchy effect.
It is, its mostly for blocking out levels, in that case making a mesh out of bsp can help speed up processes but its never intended to be a replacer for 3d modeling software.