NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

The Kite demo will be released with UE4 4.8

i dig that red dress. noice :smiley:

will flex.cu always be closed source? or are there plans from nvidia to at least open it with an agreement?

I’m afraid that’s not possible at the present time. I will inquire as to updating the CUDA version.

That’s hard to say. We are working on the DX Compute port, which will be the preferred implementation when it becomes available. Our execs have made public statements in the past that all GW modules will be available as source under an agreement, but because FleX is still under development we haven’t settled on the terms of a source license for it yet.

There is nothing holding us back from releasing those demos in principle, but please understand that they were only recently completed for GTC, and we don’t have any distributable builds available yet.

The FlameWorks simulation tech has been integrated into the Turbulence module, however the volume rendering solution is still TBD for UE4.

nice, that’s excellent news! stuff is so exciting that waiting is the hardest part imho :D.

about distributing updated libraries that would be , flex needs a bit more love on linux side :).

These new Flex demos look absolutely amazing. Really hope keeps getting worked on (especially DirectCompute version).

Thanks for the reply . Can you also answer if the balloon and red dress demo actually required 3 Titan X to run at good frame rates or were you guys just showing off?

if you do so, please also ask then to compile with -fpic as i got an error of relocation R_X86_64_32S against `a local symbol’ can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
i think we need also in order to compile under linux

If people are interested, I have VXGI running in my own version of 4.7. I can easily transfer over to 4.7.2 (or 4.7.3) and probably could get the others up and going and share through my github. (If someone hasn’t already)

Nice! It would be great if you could share it, mate!

+1, very Nice :slight_smile:

+1 :smiley:

How long did it take you?

Will do, I will move it over to my 4.7.3 build probably tomorrow.


Couple of hours, it was pretty smooth really, just some small rendering changes to cater for. Not sure how complex the others will be, but hopefully I can get them all going by the weekend sometime.

+1 !

btw is anyone getting system 32 dbgeng.dll error? It occurs when saving project files or do something while compiling shaders.

+2 !

Wow, the Flex water balloon is amazing. Can’t wait for the end of month.

Can you share sampel please? It has colour bleeding: red mixed with blue to get purple ! :smiley: