NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

Any timeline regarding fluid rendering? I’m also interested in any information on what is involved for the integration.
I see the demo uses GL shaders. Anyone had a go at anything? I’m clueless with shaders, wouldn’t know where to begin porting.

I know that the engineer working on the fluid rendering had started on it, then was sidetracked on projects for GDC and for customer support, so he was delayed a few weeks. I expect we’ll see something by the end of month. The GL shaders from the demo have to be ported to Epic’s RHI system, which I think uses DX-like HLSL. I’m not a rendering expert either, although I’m trying to come up to speed on it. Shouldn’t be a huge deal once he gets back on it.

Great! You’re kickass ! As soon as it is downloaded I’ll let ya know! Is there a changelog anywhere?


Pitty, VXGI stopped working on my GPU… (650 Ti)

Fatal error: [File:U:\UE\UE4VXGI\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\Windows\GI_InterfaceD3D11.cpp] [Line: 1950]
VXGI Error: FLOAT16 emittanceFormat is not supported by the current GPU. (GI_Base.cpp, 351)

And found the setting set made it work…


Hey , any news on your waveworks?

It’s not mine :stuck_out_tongue: Last check: I didn’t do wrong, it just doesn’t like to work together. Though I’ve not yet reported that and the other two issues on github (one missing debug library, one guard check needed for shipping builds).

Now the branch was updated so I gonna test mergin once more before I do.

oh alright haha. By the way that last build of vxgi is 4.7 right?

Alas its not :frowning:

Ha perfect, I got the editor running. I will be able to play with it now. :slight_smile:

Finally can load SciFiHallway, GPU(GTX Titan).

I’m glad they made it support point light shadows and they also removed view dependency which eliminates a lot of the artifacts (as well as the gi turning off if the attenuation radius for the light is too small).
Distance Field Shadows still aren’t working with it properly.

Haven’t tested it yet, I got a crashed by the shadercompiler as soon as I open the project. I’ll try it later, I’ll probably need to rebuild everything again.

Is direct light shadows working too?

I’m just playing around in a default map (third person template), I run at 100/120 FPS with my GTX 770.
However, compiling any shader even with just a constant4 plugged in the basecolor takes from 20 to 60 seconds or even greater to compile. Why is it so long ?

Yes I noticed too that shader compiling takes much longer with VXGI.

Hi , is there a timeframe for when simulating smoke is available in Flex?
Oh and plastic deformation as well?

I’ve cloned the new VXGI branch and now when I click “Setup”, I get message:


Do I still choose “no”? I did and it compiled all right, but my editor keeps crashing when I add Direct Light and turn VXGI on… If I try to open the SciFiHallway project, the editor crashes right away.

I suppose I would try ‘yes’ to start. None of those have anything to do with VXGI. Did you do a rebuild-all? Try debug build, and post a call stack of the crash.

I’ll look into it. I can tell you that smoke probably won’t be in the next month or so. Not sure about plastic deformation, that might already be possible with some tweaking, I’m not sure.

Sounds great, thanks for the update, I look forward to using it. I will continue playing with my balls.