NVIDIA GameWorks Integration


i try to compile the 4.21 GameWorks branch from .
Unfortunately, I gott the following error:

[FONT=courier new]Fehler MSB3075 Der Befehl “…..\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat UE4Editor Win64 Development -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild” wurde mit dem Code 5 beendet. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie zur Ausführung dieses Befehls berechtigt sind. UE4 S:\Visual Studio 2017\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 44
Fehler C2109 Index erfordert ein Array oder einen Zeigertyp UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 598
Fehler C2597 Ungültiger Verweis auf nicht-statischen Member “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::mInteriorIndex” UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 666
Fehler C3867 “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::mInteriorIndex”: Keine Standardsyntax; “&” zum Erstellen eines Verweises auf das Member verwenden UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 666
Fehler C2568 “:”: Auflösung der Funktionsüberladung nicht möglich UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 666
Fehler C2352 “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::generateSmoothingGroups”: Unzulässiger Aufruf einer nicht statischen Memberfunktion UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 688
Fehler C2352 “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::removeDuplicateControlPoints”: Unzulässiger Aufruf einer nicht statischen Memberfunktion UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 692
Fehler C2660 “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::createChunkRecursiveNonSkinned”: Funktion akzeptiert keine 5 Argumente UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 696
Fehler C4800 Implizite Konvertierung von “const wchar_t *” in einen booleschen Wert. Datenverlust möglich. UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Source\Editor\BehaviorTreeEditor\Private\DetailCustomizations\BlackboardSelectorDetails.cpp 173
Fehler C4800 Implizite Konvertierung von “const OtherType” in einen booleschen Wert. Datenverlust möglich. UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Misc\Attribute.h 43
Fehler C4800 Implizite Konvertierung von “const wchar_t *” in einen booleschen Wert. Datenverlust möglich. UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Source\Editor\MovieSceneTools\Private\FCPXML\FCPXMLExport.cpp 1058
Fehler C4800 Implizite Konvertierung von “const wchar_t *” in einen booleschen Wert. Datenverlust möglich. UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Source\Editor\MovieSceneTools\Private\FCPXML\FCPXMLExport.cpp 1070
Fehler UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: S:\GitHub\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\MovieSceneTools\UE4Editor-MovieSceneTools.lib UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\UnrealBuildTool 1
Fehler C2039 “string”: Ist kein Element von “std” UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.h 126
Fehler C4430 Fehlender Typspezifizierer - int wird angenommen. Hinweis: “default-int” wird von C++ nicht unterstützt. UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.h 126
Fehler C2143 Syntaxfehler: Es fehlt “,” vor “&” UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.h 126
Fehler C2039 “string”: Ist kein Element von “std” UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.h 129
Fehler C4430 Fehlender Typspezifizierer - int wird angenommen. Hinweis: “default-int” wird von C++ nicht unterstützt. UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.h 129
Fehler C2143 Syntaxfehler: Es fehlt “,” vor “&” UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.h 129
Fehler C2535 “void Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::createChunkRecursiveNonSkinned(const int)”: Memberfunktion bereits definiert oder deklariert UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.h 130
Fehler C2660 “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::createChunkRecursiveNonSkinned”: Funktion akzeptiert keine 5 Argumente UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 268
Fehler C2660 “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::createChunkRecursiveNonSkinned”: Funktion akzeptiert keine 5 Argumente UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 304
Fehler C2511 “void Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::createChunkRecursiveNonSkinned(const std::string &,uint32_t,fbxsdk::FbxNode *,const std::vector<fbxsdk::FbxSurfaceMaterial *,std::allocator<_Ty>> &,const Nv::Blast::ExporterMeshData &)”: Überladene Memberfunktion nicht in “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter” gefunden UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 471
Fehler C2597 Ungültiger Verweis auf nicht-statischen Member “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::mScene” UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 480
Fehler C2597 Ungültiger Verweis auf nicht-statischen Member “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::chunkNodes” UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 485
Fehler C3867 “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::chunkNodes”: Keine Standardsyntax; “&” zum Erstellen eines Verweises auf das Member verwenden UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 485
Fehler C2109 Index erfordert ein Array oder einen Zeigertyp UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 485
Fehler C2597 Ungültiger Verweis auf nicht-statischen Member “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::worldChunkPivots” UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 494
Fehler C3867 “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::worldChunkPivots”: Keine Standardsyntax; “&” zum Erstellen eines Verweises auf das Member verwenden UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 494
Fehler C2109 Index erfordert ein Array oder einen Zeigertyp UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 494
Fehler C2352 “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::generateSmoothingGroups”: Unzulässiger Aufruf einer nicht statischen Memberfunktion UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 561
Fehler C2352 “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::removeDuplicateControlPoints”: Unzulässiger Aufruf einer nicht statischen Memberfunktion UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 564
Fehler C2660 “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::createChunkRecursiveNonSkinned”: Funktion akzeptiert keine 5 Argumente UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 568
Fehler C2511 “void Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::createChunkRecursiveNonSkinned(const std::string &,uint32_t,fbxsdk::FbxNode *,const std::vector<fbxsdk::FbxSurfaceMaterial *,std::allocator<_Ty>> &,const Nv::Blast::AuthoringResult &)”: Überladene Memberfunktion nicht in “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter” gefunden UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 574
Fehler C2597 Ungültiger Verweis auf nicht-statischen Member “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::mScene” UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 583
Fehler C2597 Ungültiger Verweis auf nicht-statischen Member “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::chunkNodes” UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 588
Fehler C3867 “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::chunkNodes”: Keine Standardsyntax; “&” zum Erstellen eines Verweises auf das Member verwenden UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 588
Fehler C2109 Index erfordert ein Array oder einen Zeigertyp UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 588
Fehler C2597 Ungültiger Verweis auf nicht-statischen Member “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::worldChunkPivots” UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 598
Fehler C3867 “Nv::Blast::FbxFileWriter::worldChunkPivots”: Keine Standardsyntax; “&” zum Erstellen eines Verweises auf das Member verwenden UE4 S:\GitHub\Engine\Plugins\GameWorks\Blast\Source\BlastMeshEditor\Private\BlastMeshExporterFbxWriter.cpp 598

Maybe someone has a tip to solve the problem.

Thank you guys :smiley:

So my guess is, the “NVidia only” hardware constraint killed project?? Or is that an?

It’s a shame Flex hasn’t been ported to 4.22 etc. **, amazing work and thank you! **

It would be fantastic if was supported by Epic directly though. It sounds like there’s no of that

    ==  ==

i am in need to download the ue 4.19 waveworks which i am not able to from github,very slow download and fails all time,no resume . any one can upload it on a torrent or google drive ,will be thank full , Or any other solution

There’s only few techs that are truly Nvidia-only on current GameWorks. Waveworks integration we get requires cuda and VXGI practically requires Nvidia + gpu. But Blast, Flex, Flow and Volumetric Lighting should run on AMD as well (as current Flex and Flow versions run on DX Compute), I’m not 100% sure about TXAA 3 or HBAO+ but I’d expect them to run on AMD GPU’s as well, don’t quote me on that tho.

Anyway, it seems like RTX in particular is reason why Nvidia hasn’t been updating these techs anymore, has to be especially true for VXGI. Also UE4 using Blast for Chaos physics probably makes it difficult to justify a separate branch for Blast version that works with etc.

Sharing UE4 source code or binaries via torrent or google drive to random people is against UE4 EULA. You can only reliably confirm other user is UE4 licensee by sharing the source code via UnrealEngine github fork or share modified editor via Epic Launcher (but there’s no such “modding” editor for GameWorks atm there so github is your only option).

If github’s direct download fails, you can try cloning the repo with some git tool.

I ported FleX to 4.22 based on 's 4.20 integration, without fluid rendering (too much conflicts): https://github/xoyojank/UnrealEngine/tree/4.22-FleX

We appreciate your efforts guys. I would love to see if I can get rest of the Flex fixes working, but I’m no rendering engineer so I’m not sure how involved it would be

is compile the 4.21- GameWorks+WaveWorks by - amazing work and thank you!
Hello .
Are you planning on compiling for 4.22? It is very important for us. The most necessary - HairWorks+WaveWorks.
We will be very grateful for the answer and your work!

Right now it’s looking like I’ll skip 4.22 for multiple reasons, I may try again on 4.23 but really hoping Nvidia would update these techs themselves for at least 4.22 as there are quite big rendering changes in the engine that makes manual upgrading for these less trivial.

Also since UE4 has grown bigger, my compilation times on any recent engine versions are horrible, it takes few hours to get new build up and running on my computer which also makes upgrading and fixing these techs super slow (we are talking many days just waiting for computer to build things). I’m planning to upgrade my rig to a new 16 core Ryzen once it’s available (so in few months) and could then take a look again these for 4.23 but since the needed changes are quite big, I can’t give any promises at point.

If Nvidia however comes with updated branches themselves, I’ll happily merge them even with my current computer.

Thank you very much for the answer! Good luck with your computer. We will wait.

Thanks again for your work!

Hello, all links are dead?

Thank you.](https://github/xoyojank/UnrealEngine/tree/4.22-FleX)

Anyone know if VXGI died when DXR came out? I still use VXGI over DXR for several reasons. The latest version Nvidia released was for 4.21 so hoping for updates to newer engine versions.

Thanks for response!

They are not dead, you need to link your github account to ue4 account to access private UnrealEngine repositories on github, more about :

I have an issues when building the ue4 in C++. I download & install 4.21-Gameworks+Wavework, Visual Studio Community 2017 15.9.14, follow the note check the “Game Development with C++” workload, and the “Unreal Engine Installer” and “Nuget Package Manager” optional components. At the end of the process, 66 errors appear. Can anyone help me pls? thankkkkkk <3

I found a 4.21 port for Nvidia Flex, which apparently all-around works…I know is 2 engine versions behind, but maybe someone has use for it, I may merge it with 's 4.21 Gameworks branch.


Thanks to developer for the code:

EDIT1 : Engine builds and everything works perfectly in FlexProject and renders fluid/everything fine, but when packaging project for Win64 development the build fails at the end with 1 LNK error.

EDIT2 : Fixed project build error in above branch = source/runtime/engine/public/gameworks/FlexPluginGPUParticles.h

“FArchive& operator<<”…

“FORCEINLINE FArchive& operator<<”…

After the fix everything works as it should, but due to the author’s implementation, the Flex plugin must be enabled always or the engine will refuse to load. I looked through the code, and it is because the author used an engine-code dependent method using the new “ShaderCore” split, which requires the Flex plugin to remain enabled in the engine.

mentioned that he is going to skip 4.22 for GameWorks integration. Is there anyone else who planning to port HairWorks for 4.22 by any ? :slight_smile:

I merged Flex 4.21 port from :

into 's 4.21 Gameworks branch (without Waveworks).

I tested everything and it all builds and seems to be working fine, is the link:


I can submit a pull request after further testing to make sure everything is in order,

Ah, don’t need to PR it to mine as I prefer checking the changes myself so I clean them up and and then include the fixed FleX, I do appreciate the work however. :slight_smile: I’ll check trashbyte’s and your changes as I’m actually curious what happened with the compilation on my old wip branch for so want to do the diffs to see where it went wrong as well. Thanks for !

I didn’t change anything besides adding back “forceinline” to that one file mentioned on previous forum page. Credit to byte or trashbyte,

@karma4jake, can you please do the same but with the 4.21 waveworks branch?

Thanks for you work