NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

Yeah i got Webexpection everytime when my Internet is Down.

The thing is my internet was not down, I was able to download around half of the file requested by the setup.bat, the error comming almost always on the same spot during the download, and again, manual download in was stuck in a loop while manual download in HTTPS was working like a charm.
But anyway, my is back, sadly the download did not complet, and I am really near the end of the download (which is even more frustrating), tried a reboot of my internet box again, but did not worked time and as usual, stuck in a loop, HTTPS work.

I am probably the only person in the world that has tried to do , but has anyone been able to merge 4.18 VXGI 1 into 4.19+? I went through all of the github diffs manually from 4.18GW to 4.19GW for VXGI and got VXGI 1 into 4.19, but it crashes the engine when I go into lit mode. The tracing works, all the VXGI visualization modes work properly, it does the bounce properly but it crashes engine in lit mode with error about projection matrix mismatching matrices. Does the new dynamic resolution/ matrix/shader method in 4.19 just make VXGI 1 obsolete? I cannot get the previous frame to buffer properly in 4.19ā€¦

4,19,2 is malware and quarentined

I got VXGI 1 to work in 4.19 finally, they changed the rendering pipeline in 4.19 to add the dynamic resolution scaling for consoles. If anyone needs VXGI 1 I will probably merge it to 4.20 and 4.21 if I have time. I found it to actually be faster than VXGI 2 in different scenariosā€¦

can you merge flex in 4.21???

Maybe Waveworks? Now we seem to lack FLEX and Waveworks in 4.21

Someone could also throw in Volumetric Lighting as well along with now released 4.0 ;D

People remember your comments from past few pages, no need to request the same thing every second post. If someone is working on these, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll hear about it.

we and many people wait for you

I may try to get everything in 4.21 if I upgrade past 4.19, I dont really have a personal reason to thoughā€¦

An update for those interested in WaveWorks. Iā€™ve now got WaveWorks working in 4.21. is helping me clean it up and test it. Hopefully it can be merged with the other GameWorks tech in a few daysā€¦

Does https://github/windystrife/UnrealEngine_NVIDIAGameWorks#mac build on Mac 10.14? I got compiling errors under Xcode 10 and older versions Iā€™m not the only one having problems building gamewors on Mac Than you.

Flex for 4.21 Please Anyone :frowning:

Like @ (TritonSailor) mentioned, heā€™s been working on WaveWorks for 4.21 for a while. I took his changes (thanks for all the work!), made some small tweaks and WaveWorks is now on 4.21-GameWorks branch. Iā€™m not super happy about the Nvidia GPU dependency on WaveWorks but VXGI2 is even more limited in terms of supported GPUs so I merged it in anyway. also triggered some build issues with TXAA so had to fix those as well. 's link and full list again:

(UE 4.21.1, Nvidia Blast, Flow, HairWorks, HBAO+, TXAA, WaveWorks and VXGI 2)

Worth noting that I donā€™t know what happens with the WaveWorks on VR so no guarantees it works thereā€¦

Tagging @LexCurtis, [USER=ā€œ1210893ā€][/USER] as you were asking about WaveWorks before.

oh no :frowning: thank you but Flex and Volumetric light need branch :frowning:

If you have spare time (I donā€™t have atm) and want to fix these yourself, are my WIP branches. Both have README.md that has notes in the beginning whatā€™s broken:


Do not expect these to work - they donā€™t.

flex and volumetric light will work ? DXR is damage any gameworks

Thank you very much for the work of and , which allows us to use Wavework in 4.21. So far, itā€™s really hard to find a better ocean solution than Waveworks.

Im getting error everytime i tried to run setup, any ideas?

Your folder path is too long (UE4 itself has pretty long path and your system path + ue4ā€™s paths just donā€™t fit into that limitation). Place ue4 closer to root folder to fix it.