NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

thank you
how to do please any video

Has anyone heard about the Unity release date yet? I saw NVidiaā€™s stand up at GDC 2018. They showcased the Unity plugin theyā€™ve made, and said it would be released after the event. That was back in March. Has anyone heard anything since? Thanks!

I imagine you mean FleX for Unity now. Iā€™ve been looking for info myself as well but havenā€™t found any mention about it since GDC. forum isnā€™t best place to ask about it tho as isnā€™t relevant to Unreal. You can expect the Unity FleX-plugin to arrive once theyā€™ve done with it: https://assetstore.unity/publishers/13586 (or https://developer.nvidia/flex)

Would be pretty pointless for me to make a video about as I donā€™t even install Launcher or Binary Engines into default folders, me making video with setup like would just cause more confusion.

Just figure out where the your stock UE4 is installed and navigate to itā€™s <Engine Version>/Plugins/Marketplace folder, is where substance plugin gets installed from Epic Launcher. You probably could just place plugin into similar place on custom/Gameworks engine folder before you generate project files but I havenā€™t tested . Otherwise you can just place the plugin on <your project>/Plugins -folder and then generate the project files like mentioned before.

@anonymous_user_e2115496 they just released 1.0 beta: https://assetstore.unity/packageā€¦-0-beta-121316

edit-> oops, thatā€™s only sample scenes, actual plugin is still missing (canā€™t take long now tho)
edit 2-> actual plugin is now live as well: https://assetstore.unity/packages/tools/physics/nvidia-flex-for-unity-1-0-beta-120425


So I tried to combine both FleX and Blast together in UE4.19.2. Code wise merges fine and builds.

Whatā€™s the best way to get a FlexActor (softbody) reacting to a BlastMeshActor? Right now it just passes through, and if I change the collision settings on the FlexActor to collide, it just fractures and destroys my BlastMeshActor?

If your Flex actor is interacting with Blast actors, then itā€™s working. The thing with Blast is, the parameters are quite sensitive. Itā€™s been a while since I tinkered, but a previous project I worked on require A LOT of subtle tweaks and there to get things breaking as intended. And itā€™s different for each ā€œtypeā€ of object, for example a thin stone slab versus a thick concrete wall.

I intended to do an article or tutorial of sorts covering these things, but I have yet to find all the ā€œmagicā€ numbers for parameters and furtherā€¦ Well, Blast objects are so variable in their setup, itā€™s hard to say to someone ā€œcheck box and enter number in that fieldā€. If someone else has some proven numbers, Iā€™d love to see! Otherwise, itā€™s a process of tweaking, testing, tweaking, testingā€¦

@ I get error when im trying to package my project:

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: D:\Software\UnrealEngine-4.19-GameWorks\Engine\Plugins\Media\WmfMedia\Binaries\Win64\UE4-WmfMedia-Win64-Shipping.lib

Any idea what might be and how to fix it?

I got had the exact same error. I ended up re-installing VS 2017 and recompiling from the ground up and it cleared it up.

That error doesnā€™t tell much of why it failed to compile, the real error is most likely listed well before that line. Always seek for the first compile error if having issues. Iā€™ve compiled myself with both VS2015 and VS2017 without issues but Iā€™m not sure if I have latest updates for VS2017 atm.

@ Hey , quick question, I just want an 4.19 engine version with flex, I do not need the other nvidia techsā€¦ I already downloaded it and compiled itā€¦ seems to work. My question is that you mentioned in thread that you have to make some changes to flex to make it package ableā€¦ are these complicated, could you give me a rundown? or you think the flex version on the nvidia repository as stand alone is good to go? Thank you !

is my first Error, after that I get more errors:

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ERROR: Command failed (Result:5): D:\Software\UnrealEngine-4.19-GameWorks\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe UE4Game Win64 Shipping  -NoUBTMakefiles  -remoteini="D:\Projecten\Unreal Projecten\Stekeldijkje_Woon 4.19 - 2" -skipdeploy -noxge -NoHotReload -ignorejunk. See logfile for details: 'UnrealBuildTool-2018

PackagingResults: Error: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: D:\Software\UnrealEngine-4.19-GameWorks\Engine\Plugins\Media\WmfMedia\Binaries\Win64\UE4-WmfMedia-Win64-Shipping.lib
PackagingResults: Error: Command failed (Result:5): D:\Software\UnrealEngine-4.19-GameWorks\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe UE4Game Win64 Shipping  -NoUBTMakefiles  -remoteini="D:\Projecten\Unreal Projecten\Stekeldijkje_Woon 4.19 - 2" -skipdeploy -noxge -NoHotReload -ignorejunk. See logfile for details: 'UnrealBuildTool-2018.07.13-09.02.50.txt' 
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error

@catalejo well, you can try the packaging first, if it works on your setup, itā€™s fine. I do have a PR for some IWYU fixes /pull/523, or alternatively, you can grab the branch for that PR while itā€™s live (Iā€™ll delete it once nvidia fixes ): https://github//UnrealEngiā€¦PR-FleX-4.19.2 ( contains exactly same commits as the nvidias FleX-4.19-2 atm plus those few fixes).

@VRWijnen Iā€™m afraid thatā€™s not really helping much, can you post the full build log somewhere (pastebin etc) and share the link to me so I could take a better look?

@ sure.

is the link to pastebin: click

@VRWijnen I went through a complete install from windows 10 up and ran into the same error you did. I added a couple extra libraries to VS outside of the ones automatically added when selecting UE game dev. I added four at a time till it worked so im not 100% sure which one it fixed it on but the last 4 were - unreal engine installer (I think just downloads a zip the latest version of the stock engine) , Visual Studio Android support for unreal engine, Windows 10 SDK (10.0.16299.0), and finally VC++ 2015.3 v14.00.
Iā€™m not an expert, just trying to fiddle my way threw all of so I hope it helps

@VRWijnen seems like is related to the newest VS2017-version and UE 4.19 somehow (even non-gameworks versions): https://answers.unrealengine/queā€¦e-my-game.html

Since happens on packaging, you could try disabling the media / WMF related plugins from the project if you donā€™t need them. I donā€™t know if it still tries to compile these though.

I looked around the 4.20 sources and commit has fixed the 4.20 compilation for some new VS2017 at least: https://github/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/3618d96b476b32d68c3d5a7ed3b90163a062da79#diff-1d6db60a63ecee034537431e85198c73 Iā€™ll check first if I can repro the by updating to latest VS2017, Iā€™m already running pretty new one (15.7.3 from 07 June 2018), newest is 15.7.5 so Iā€™ll update to that and see if anything breaks. If things break, Iā€™ll backport the build fix and verify if it works. Iā€™ll push it into 4.19-GameWorks if I can verify it helps on the build.

@VRWijnen could you try cloning the repo from temp branch and see if it packages now? https://github//UnrealEngiā€¦-GameWorks-Fix
repo contains the 4.20 build fix for that lib but I canā€™t verify if it helps as everything seems to work on my end regardless.

Thank you . Yudaman!

Is there any way to enable flex collision with skeletal mesh per poly?