NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

Those settings are most closely matched with Quality = 0 (which doesn’t mean off).

Just for reference, 's the code that translates the new-style parameters (Quality and Sampling Rate) to the old-style number of cones and angle.

        float quality = saturate(params.quality);
        const float minAngle = 15.f;
        const float maxAngle = 60.f;
        float coneAngle = (minAngle - maxAngle) * quality + maxAngle;

        int numCones = int(clamp(directionalSamplingRate / (1.f - cosf(deg2rad(coneAngle * 0.5f))), 4, 128));

The Elemental scene perf appears to be CPU limited just because of its mesh count and the thickness of UE rendering code. I would try to carefully filter the meshes and only voxelize those which matter.

I’ve asked one of our technical artists to try VXAL, and 's what he came up with. Only two area lights with shadows.

Exactly what i was looking for, thanks . VXAL is truly looking amazing.

Hi @, Just dropping by to say is amazing! So much control over things and the first results look absolutely gorgeous. You deserve a statue, street name, river and tons of hot girls and camel! Many thanks for amazing new version :slight_smile:

Yes, I’m using Development Editor. Launch from the shortcut. The assembly of the engine runs without errors and warnings. Everything is clear.

I thought Russian would be better explained in Russian.

Hey ! Thank you so much for delivering VXGI 2.0 and VXAL! I’ve had an absolute blast playing with it so far, and it’s closer to perfect now than ever before! I do have a single recommendation that I believe would greatly enhance its’ capabilities!!

I’m no engineer like you, so please bear with me while I noob my way through . :stuck_out_tongue:

Setting up an Area Light has been dreamy, and I love how one can set it up with a material for the plane and a texture for the light emissive - does pose a restriction, however, in that the light is ‘stuck’ I guess - in being that it’s static - it would be AAAAMMMAAAZZZIIINNNGGG if it was possible to apply the material itself as emissive to the light, where the material’s emissive value is output as the area light - OR - to be able to plug either a media texture or scene capture 2d into it as well. These features would MASSIVELY improve the flexibility of the area lights!!

I did manage to do on my own using a veeeeery expensive (and therefore totally unreasonable) workaround - I built a blueprint that takes the output of a scene capture 2d texture, saves it overwriting a texture2d that’s applied to the area light - on every tick (and I did tests to see how it would look with various tick times) and yeah - it worked - but it’s a suuuuuper expensive process, obviously. So being able to apply a material or scene capture, or media texture - into the area light texture slot as the emissive - that’d be AMAZZZZIIIINNNNGGGGGGGG!!

Hello , also wanted to say great work and a huge thank you!! These are some amazing improvements :slight_smile:
I do have one question though — where did the “r.VXGI.Range” console command go? It doesn’t seem to appear and I can’t find it in the PP settings either.

Hello , also wanted to say great work and a huge thank you!! These are some amazing improvements :slight_smile:
I do have one question though — where did the “r.VXGI.Range” console command go? It doesn’t seem to appear and I can’t find it in the PP settings either.

It’s been replaced with r.VXGI.VoxelSize.
Since the voxel volume can now have different dimensions along X, Y and Z axes, specifying a single “range” no longer makes sense.

Hey ! Thank you so much for delivering VXGI 2.0 and VXAL! I’ve had an absolute blast playing with it so far, and it’s closer to perfect now than ever before! I do have a single recommendation that I believe would greatly enhance its’ capabilities!!

I’m no engineer like you, so please bear with me while I noob my way through . :stuck_out_tongue:

Setting up an Area Light has been dreamy, and I love how one can set it up with a material for the plane and a texture for the light emissive - does pose a restriction, however, in that the light is ‘stuck’ I guess - in being that it’s static - it would be AAAAMMMAAAZZZIIINNNGGG if it was possible to apply the material itself as emissive to the light, where the material’s emissive value is output as the area light - OR - to be able to plug either a media texture or scene capture 2d into it as well. These features would MASSIVELY improve the flexibility of the area lights!!

I did manage to do on my own using a veeeeery expensive (and therefore totally unreasonable) workaround - I built a blueprint that takes the output of a scene capture 2d texture, saves it overwriting a texture2d that’s applied to the area light - on every tick (and I did tests to see how it would look with various tick times) and yeah - it worked - but it’s a suuuuuper expensive process, obviously. So being able to apply a material or scene capture, or media texture - into the area light texture slot as the emissive - that’d be AMAZZZZIIIINNNNGGGGGGGG!!

Thank you for the feedback! :slight_smile:

Using a dynamic texture should be possible to implement, I mean, VXGI can use any texture with mip-maps as area light texture. Whether it comes from an asset or is a render target, doesn’t really matter. I just need to figure out how to properly do that in the engine.

Just using a material’s emissive output without rendering it to a texture first is not possible. It has to be a texture.

Did few 4.19 merges:

https://github//UnrealEngi…4.19-Flow-VXGI contains UE 4.19.1 combined with Flow, HBAO+4 and VXGI2

and https://github//UnrealEngi…4.19-GameWorks contains UE 4.19.1 combined with Blast, Flow, HairWorks 1.4, HBAO+4, TXAA3 and VXGI2

Do note that TXAA 3 crashes the engine immediately on forward shading atm, so avoid that combo with repo (you can always reset it back from projects Config/DefaultEngine.ini)

I didn’t merge Flex as I’m hoping Nvidia will update Flex integration into Flex 1.2 and UE 4.19. Latest Nvidia Flex branch is still at 4.17 so it would make sense that they’d update it but there’s no official word if they are working on or not.

Btw, I did experience a crash on Flow if I brought it into VXGI sample level, my naive fix for that was: https://github//UnrealEngi…7662e7daf5e4e7 (included in previous posts repos). I didn’t make PR for as I wasn’t completely sure why was happening (development editor didn’t give much info and didn’t have time to make a debug build for the engine to dig in deeper), just noticed that it threw nullpointer on missing Actor.

How is the performance for you guys who already tested it? Is it much better or can we say ‘production ready’ at state?

People who have tried it feel like it might be slightly slower than the previous one. To properly test the perf difference though, one should run benchmarks on same scenes using same UE version and both VXGI 1 and 2 and also try to match the settings/visuals between them. It’s just that there’s no official integration for VXGI 1 on 4.19 so it makes it harder to make fair comparisons.

hi guys some test VXGI 2.0 VXAL

voxel size=1
mapsize XYZ=128

some trouble with contact shadows. need advice :confused:

VXGI 1.0 test

what is the technical parameters? voxel size? mapsize? contact shadows looks beautiful!

[quote=“Nocturness, post:4638, topic:16686”]

hi guys some test VXGI 2.0 VXAL

voxel size=1
mapsize XYZ=128

some trouble with contact shadows. need advice :confused:

VXGI 1.0 testhttps://youtube/watch?v=Ts76Y_828Hk[/QUOTE]

Your car test looks amazing, thanks for sharing it ! I could watch beautiful car in amazing lightning for a couple hours ^^.

Area Light test:


is a performance test i did with the Scifi Hallway:

making a new one, previous one had copyrighted music

I put together a 4.19.2 : VXGI 2.0 - Blast - Flow - Hairworks, Substance plugin and Victory plugin.
It’s available : https://github/MaximeDup/UnrealE…HairWorks-Flow

@. Thank you for quick job. But In version of the engine, there is a critical bug on Material. Changing on Material Instances not saving and reset on restart the engine. According to Epic, will be fixed on 4.19.2 (https://issues.unrealengine/issue/UE-57086) Do you have any plan for 4.19.2?

I just did the 4.19.2 update, thanks for the info

Wow! Super! Thanks a lot.