NvAPI_D3D11_SetDepthBoundsTest error in logs

When trying our game on computers, we have no problem, it’s running fine.
But on a laptop with a Geforce GTX 660M graphic card, the game is horribly slow, and we can see this error repeating for each frame in the log :

[2014.11.14-15.08.51:279][644]LogD3D11RHI:Error: NvAPI_D3D11_SetDepthBoundsTest(1,0.001788, 0.005236) returned error code -1[link text][1]

Here is the (compressed) log file of the game with that error:
[1]: 21523-sneakinbad-backup-2014.11.18-17.38.13.log.zip (375 KB)

Hey swantiez -

Can you send me the logs from the game running on a PC correctly? I am curious to know if this particular call is something within the game itself which we might be able to track down or if it is something in the scalability information for the engine to run on a laptop?

Let me know -

Eric Ketchum


Here is the log file of the exact same version of the game prototype running on a regular desktop PC.
link text

Best regards,

Hey swantiez -

Can you make sure that your laptop has the most current version of the NVidia drivers on it and let me know what version you are running?

Thank You

Eric Ketchum


Indeed, the driver was from 2012, and updating it to the latest version solved the performance issues. Thanks!