NULL CharacterMovement component when switching from custom back to default
Build Type: Binary
Build Version: Version: 4.17.2-3658906+++UE4+Release-4.17
When using a custom CharacterMovementComponent for the ACharacter class, downgrading to a default CharacterMovementComponent later will break existing blueprints that use the character. After switcing up the constructor arguments and reloading the project, the character blueprints will have a NULL MovementComponent that can not be fixed (since it’s a private, inherited component).
Repro steps:
- Start with ShooterGame template project
- View the PlayerPawn blueprint in the editor and notice how it has a valid CharacterMovementComponent
- Edit the source code for AShooterCharacter::AShooterCharacter:
Change this code:
AShooterCharacter::AShooterCharacter(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
: Super(ObjectInitializer.SetDefaultSubobjectClass(ACharacter::CharacterMovementComponentName))
To this:
AShooterCharacter::AShooterCharacter(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
This code change should make the ShooterCharacter use the standard UCharacterMovementComponent instead of the derived UShooterCharacterMovement
- Compile the code and go back to the editor
- View the PlayerPawn blueprint and notice that it still has a valid CharacterMovementComponent
- Close the editor
- Reopen the project in the editor
- View the PlayerPawn blueprint – It doesn’t have a CharacterMovementComponent!
- Run the game – It crashes due to NULL component
- These constructor initializers also produce a NULL movement component:
: Super(ObjectInitializer)
: Super(ObjectInitializer.SetDefaultSubobjectClass(ACharacter::CharacterMovementComponentName))
- Note that, while the PlayerPawn blueprint is in its bugged state, you can create a new blueprint that uses the ShooterCharacter as its parent. This new blueprint will have a valid, non-null movement component.