NPCs stopped working after official UEFN update.

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What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



Every time an official update is made to UEFN, bugs occur on existing islands. Last time, the screen scroll speed increased, and with the current 30.10 update, the NPCs have stopped moving. NPC movement is written in Verse instead of AI navigation, where they move to an object’s coordinates and then move to another set of coordinates. How can this issue be resolved?

Steps to Reproduce

(1) Fill in the following information in the Enemy_behavior.verse
set currentCheckpoint += 1
if (currentCheckpoint >= DestProps.Length):
set currentCheckpoint = 0

        Agent := GetAgent[]
        # Gets the Fortnite Character interface, which gets you access to its gameplay data 
        # including its AI module for navigation and focus.
        Character := Agent.GetFortCharacter[]

        # Get the Navigatable Interface, this allows you to tell it to move.
        Navigatable := Character.GetNavigatable[]

        DestProp := DestProps[currentCheckpoint]
        NavTarget := MakeNavigationTarget(DestProp.GetTransform().Translation)

        #NOTE: NPC may be interupted by other objects  
        NavResult := Navigatable.NavigateTo(NavTarget)

        loop {
            case (NavResult):
                # The destination has been reached
                navigation_result.Reached => break,
                # The destination has been partially reached (AllowPartialPath was used)
                navigation_result.PartiallyReached => Print("Partially"),
                # Navigation has been interrupted before completion
                navigation_result.Interrupted => Print("Interrupted"),
                # The navigating agent is blocked
                navigation_result.Blocked => Print("Blocked"),
                # The destination cannot be reached
                navigation_result.Unreachable => Print("Unreachable")
        if (NavResult = navigation_result.Reached):

(2) Set Enemy_behavior for the NPC sponer.
(3) Set the desired Prop in DestProps and
(4) Execution

Expected Result

Move to Prop coordinates

Observed Result

Unreachable is returned and the NPC does not move.



Island Code
