Npc spawners no longer spawning at game start after 29.30.

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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Npc spawner devices no longer spawning at game start after 29.30. They spawn about 50% of the time for me on one map and 15% of the time on another.

Steps to Reproduce

Use an npc spawner device with “Enabled At Game Start” and “Spawn On Timer” enabled.

Probably has nothing to do with it but they are Custom Npcs and are using Cosmetic Modifiers , Health Modifier, Movement Modifier, Team Modifier

Expected Result

Npc are expected to spawn after 3 secs of the game start (Spawn Timer set to 3 Secs)

Observed Result

Npcs never spawn on timer



Not sure if it is related or not but there is another issue that was also added. Custom type npcs face the wrong way sometimes. When nps spawn close to the player usually they are fine. If they spawn far away or if the player walks far away and respawns they get messed up and face the wrong direction when using NavigateTo()

The status of FORT-742054 incident has been moved from ‘Unconfirmed’ to ‘Needs Triage’.