NPC Spawner retargetting showing static mesh in tpose when far away from NPC.

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



We have an NPC spawner and are using retargeting to change the NPC cosmetic. For some reason when our NPC gets far away from the players it seems like the LOD changes on the NPC and it goes into its static mesh T Pose until you get close enough then it shows the proper retargeting. Not 100% sure if this is a bug or something on our end but figured we would report in the meantime since NPC spawner is in early access.

Steps to Reproduce

not quite sure, havent had a chance to try and repro on another island as we are on a time crunch and doing research on potential issues.

Expected Result

retargeting should accurately display on NPC models no matter what distance they are at.

Observed Result

The NPC goes to a static T Pose when the NPC is too far from the player.


Personal Computer.

Additional Notes

cant provide Island code

Hey AweDam, we’ve got someone investigating your issue. Will keep this thread updated as we learn more information

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Just wanted to update you guys. We ended up redoing some stuff and got this working. It looks like it definitely had something to do with LOD settings. Will try to make a tutorial on what we found and post it when we get a chance so others who run into this issue can maybe try what we did to get it working!

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