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Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Focus interface get misaligned with the actual forward vector of the NPC at some random point of time and after that all NPCs start looking in wrong directions while moving or using Focus interface. The issue can be seen here:
Everything works well at first, but at 0:40 I hit the boar and it starts running backwards. After that I return to the spawn location and all the NPCs who were working well previously start looking in random directions too.
Steps to Reproduce
I’ve had this issue both with a large amount of NPCs and with just a single spawner, so I believe it just happens randomly after some random spawn.
My code is a simple loop of NavigateTo random point and Wait for 15 seconds, which can be interrupted by FortCharacter.DamagedEvent().
I tried using MaintainFocus on my GoToPoint point while the NPC is moving, but the same issue persists.
Expected Result
NPC should look in the movement direction.
Observed Result
NPCs randomly start looking at (MovementDirection + Some Random Yaw Offset)