NPC Navigation fails and appears dumber than before.

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Previously the navigateto function would guide the NPC towards objects with some intelligence such as when an object was behind a wall.

Steps to Reproduce

Take a prefab such as the mall and then place an object or vector3 in an enclosed room and the npc is on the same floor as the object (i.e. place a gold coin on the ground floor in the bathroom room). If the object is NOT directly aligned to the door of a wall, the NPC will attempt to walk into the wall (at a straight line) instead of opting to walk into the door and then open it and navigate to the coin.

Expected Result

Previously, the NPC navigateto function had intelligence to check the doors on an enclosed room to pick a door to enter and then get to the location.

Observed Result

Now it will just run into the wall like a moron.



Could you please use neutral tone describing npc behavior

The NPC appears to only straight line towards the desired vector3 target location. Even on a simple test case where the npc is on ground level and it needs to walk past a wall with a door. It will choose to just walk straight into the wall (the least squares direction) towards the target. The prior behavior would have it walk to a nearby door and then reattempt to navigate to the target.

I’m saying while it is obvious the navigation never worked perfectly before. It was able to perform “simple” obstructed navigation as given in the image below. You can see that there are doors on the left (there is also one on the right) the cube in the center is the NPC’s position. It needs to get to the room behind the wall. It will run into the wall and return blocked instead of opening the nearby door. The prior behavior would of worked. I would know. I ran this test multiple times prior to the patch.

FORT-780695 incident has been created. Status is ‘Unconfirmed’.

I have noticed this as well. NPCs on my maps are getting stuck in places they didn’t before. I’ve had to manually place barrier devices to fix this in the short term, but its not ideal and doesn’t fully fix it. I’ve been working with NPC navigation a lot recently and I can say for certain that it got worse after the 31.00 update.

hi @Vulpp ,
The question is how much does this new version different to the original documentation
Create Custom NPC Behavior | Unreal Editor for Fortnite Documentation
AI and NPC Documentation

Nav Mesh Debug - New Documentation

Debug Creative Navigation

Debug Your Game with Debug Draw in Verse using UEFN

It’s on whether there were changes to the NPC navigation and if so, will the changes be reverted or be explained.


Here’s another example. Super simple that prior to the patch would of worked when calling navigate to. The NPC needs to path into the center of this enclosed room. Instead it will get stuck walking into the blue when it needs to go into the middle of the room as indicated by the green arrow. Under the current iteration of the function, NPC appears only capable of 90 degree pathing and doesn’t consider walls or other obstacles.