NPC Definition Window doesn't accept editable values that are fortnite devices and defaults to "none"


If you add an editable to a NPC Character Definition file, you should be able to set them in the NPC Definition window but no matter how you select a value for them there, it stays as “none”. Whereas if you have use the “NPC Behavior Script Override” and set the definition file in there compared to doing it in the Character Definition window then it allows you to set the device that is an editable in the verse script file

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Drag an NPC Spawner in to the game
  2. Create a Definition file for it and set it in the NPC Character Definition spot
  3. Create an NPC Behavior verse file to override NPC behavior and put an editable in there for a mutator zone (same for any device, works fine for numbers)
  4. Set that behavior as the custom behavior for the NPC in the NPC Character definition window that opens when you double click on the NPC Character Definition object in the content browser
  5. Try to set the mutator zone in there

Expected Result

Should be able to set devices in that window

Observed Result

Can’t set devices in that window



FORT-862539 has been created and its status is ‘Unconfirmed’. This is now in a queue to be reproduced and confirmed.

Thank you, we’ll get this looked at!

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We have a repro here, the team will investigate. Thanks again, @GraemeBB!

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