November #UE4Jam Submission Thread!

Link to a download of your game: - Google Drive
Team name: Kotany
List of team members: Druha, Bolotniy_lis, Fullthrottle
Name of your submission: Kotany_LilSquirrel

You are playing as a guy, thinking his life is sh… bad. He decides to go out and get drunk. You will guide him in his adventures searching The Alcohol.


**Link: ** - Google Drive (122 megabytes)
Team Name: DrekTopia
Member: Drekmonger
**Name of submission: **Drektopia_DoctorShard
What didn’t I make?: The music and sound effects come from the marketplace. Some textures come the starter content.

Rain explosive shards into empty hearts. Try not to feed the bad hearts. Left click fires. Left click and hold to drag green stuff around.

Link :
Team name : JanWlosok
List of team members : Jan Wlosok
Name of your submission : JanWlosok_Up

The game has intro “cinematic” which explains motivations of the character. You can skip the intro by holding SPACE (3s).

Controls: A/D - movement, SPACE - jump, LMB - pick up/drop object, MOUSE WHEEL - changes distance between player and object, P - pause menu


Team Name:
Ad Caelum

Team Members:
Martin Holtkamp
Dustin LaMontagne


**Description: **
Pill Frenzy is a side scrolling shooter where you fight viruses and other pathogens inside the body. All assets (except the default font) were made by both of us during the game jam event. This was our first project in Unreal Engine, and we hope to participate in future game jams!

Survive 110 seconds to win!
Can use either keyboard or controller.
Spike balls are invincible, so don’t try killing them.

Boilerplate Studios

David Anderson
Kurt Weaver
Brian Watson
Nic Bolduc
Micaela Weaver

Sick Scamper

Download Here!


You have been infected, the only way to regain health is to use cats to defeat other infected. Good luck.

Team Name: Displace Media

Members: , Ketan

Submission Name: Feral Munitions

Download: Link

Bugs: Loading a game from a menu and console commands is bugged and crashes for us with 4.9.2 so the game starts instantly. Better run. You’ll have to quit out and run the game again to play it again.

Download link: Link!
Team Name: skylerWithAnE
Members: Skyler Evans. (Map prototype by . Featuring some materials and particles by Bryan Kaelin)

Shot in the Dark is a Steam enabled online multiplayer battleground. Duke it out with up to 4 players on a dim 2D Map. Capture lights to earn points. When you’re within your light’s radius, you will be invisible to other players.

Shoot these.

When you’re under your light, the scene will be illuminated with your color. You’re invisible to other players until you start shooting.

Steam Multiplayer!

Best death animation you’ve ever seen!

Link to a download of your game:
Team name: Broken Shotgun
List of team members: kingofbananas
Name of your submission: BrokenShotgun_StareFaux

You came to fight despite the odds and now here you are

Shoot - Left mouse
Move - WASD
Boost - Space

Game Submission

Download Link:

Team Name:

Game Name:
Heart Attack

Team Members:
Will Nations
Hailee Ammons
Kevin Wang

Game Info:
Your heart is under attack by a horrible disease! What might be your defense? Explosive ordinance. Definitely.
Click to bomb the little critters and see how long you can last!

Carrot Attack 2

Download Here!

Team Name:

Game Name:
Carrot Attack 2

Team Members:
Boegli, Mechatronic Engineer

Game Description:
Obesity is a common, serious and costly disease. Help Sam Smile and his Carrot Launcher combat this disease.

How to Play:
A and D - Left Right
Space and W - Jump
Ctrl - Carrot Launcher
F - Dash

Known Issues:
Co-op and Deathmatch had to be pulled from this release due to health on Player 2+ not responding correctly.
Some oddness with Camera and Paper 2d, so I couldn’t play intro movie correctly, had to resort to last minute flipbook so there is no sound.
First time using UE4 Paper2D, so I learnt as I progressed through GameJam :slight_smile:

Link: Sailor Bear_Get - Google Drive

Team Name: Sailor Bear

Team Members:
Amy Li
Mason McGough
Travis Forkner

Game: Sailor Bear_Get Consumed

Get Consumed!
Sometimes the only way to stop something is to replace them.
A smaller parasite can take over a larger one, and consume those smaller…but it can only enter based on a certain cycle.
Follow the cycle: Reds can take over greens, greens can take over blues, and blues can take over reds.

How to play:
W - Up
A - Left
S - Down
D - Right
Space - Jump
ESC - Exit

Enter other parasites by colliding with them. Don’t forget the cycle!

There were some nasty bugs that needed fixing and a few more story panels I didn’t have a to add. If you are playing for fun use this link:


Matthew Taylor


The world is afflicted with a virus which blinds. Luckily, technology has allowed for MEDPods in each city to heal the damaging effects of the virus. This is the story of the maintenance person at the city’s MEDPod facility when the unthinkable happens…

Dying restarts the level. Save the city to win.

There is a bug which occurs infrequently during which all the fuses disappear. Just reload the game.

Team Name:

Vicious Virus


Wolf Dragoon


You Vicious Virus - Go Plague the World but for Now A Pitiful Human Will DO!

Left: A or Left Arrow
Right: D or Right Arrow
Fire: Left Mouse Button or F

Collect & Infect Red Blood Cells to Build Your Blood Shield
Destroy White Blood Cells before they Destroy You
Evade Pills - They Hurt!
& The Vaccine Boss you’ll figure out!

Edit: Added a ScreenShot - In before the Bell!

Link to a download: Grape_DesperateRockets.7z - Google Drive
Team name: Grape
List of team members: JW
Name of your submission: Grape_DesperateRockets

Description: Steer a rocket floating through the gravitational fields of stars. It took me a while to get going on this project and I wasn’t able to complete much of what I hoped for. This is very incomplete and I wasn’t able to implement what would have tied it in with the theme, sorry. Click the mouse and the rocket thrusts in the mouse’s direction.

Team Name
Mindless Pursuits

Project Name
Antigens Attack!


Team Member
Keith Krueger

Antigens (items that cause an immune response) have invaded a patient, but the patient’s immune system has crashed. Your only hope of saving them is an experimental mechanical white blood cell that you can remote control. How quickly can you clear out the antigens! Beware - some normal cells may block your path!

While meant to be played with a gamepad, there are keyboard/mouse controls as well. WSAD for pitch and yaw, with Q&E for Roll, and space to forward thrust, Left Shift to reverse thrust.

Gamepad - triggers for thrust, left thumbstick for pitch/yaw, right thumbstick for roll, bottom facepad button for shoot.

There are three levels of difficulty, from Easy to Hard. Each level up makes the enemies tougher and faster.

There are antibody powerups. The ammo pickups will respawn after 60 seconds, but the health and shields are gone for good once they have been picked up!

Also - C switched between third and first-person views…

Known issues
There is some tearing at higher resolutions, and ambient sounds aren’t playing. Frankly, there’s a lot I wanted to add, but I encountered build issues on the last day, so decided to wrap up what I had…


Team Name:

Team Members:

Submission Name:

You Will Be Infected is a straightforward game, it’s a visual novel! I didn’t have much time this weekend, but I wanted to get something made anyway. I hope you all can enjoy it. Good luck!

Download Link : Google Drive: Sign-in
Team Name : Ra Studios.
Team Members : Mahmoud Aladdin, Tarek Ibrahim, Marwan Mohamed.
Submission Name : RaStudios_ViralAssault


Download Link:
TeamName: PhaseState
TeamMembers: PhaseState
Name of Submission : PhaseState_DontDrinkTheWater

Description: A top down survival adventure game, where you try to survive on the open ocean.

Did not have time to implement all intended, many bugs and issues. Definitely a learning experience!

Link: - Google Drive
Team name: Od1n
List of team members: VRLtqq
Name of your submission: Od1n_Dr_Grimdark

You play as Dr. Grimdark, whose methods are controversial. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to implement everything I wanted so there is no story and his name doesn’t make much sense.

Controls: WSAD to move, WSAD+Left clisk for various attacks, LShift+WSAD+Click for combos, mouse wheel - change weapon. RMB - block or aim.

Find contaminated ground and decontaminate it. Fire works well. After some time it will become contaminated again.


Team Name: Green Kingdom Giants

Multiplayer Zombie Survival

GameName: Infektious

TeamMembers: , “Arctika”, “Hamtaro-1H”

Infektious by Green Kingdom Giants