NOVEMBER GAME JAM: Win Subscription Time! Theme Announced on Thursday's Twitch Stream

I know, right.

being completely knew to me, and I was rushing against the deadline. I was using only the Editor to create & package the game with and game totally uses BluePrints. But information about unreal engine 4 is so spread out and time consuming to find & then it’s either old outdated, needs fixes, and/or just doesn’t work. And still don’t understand why my Timelines ran differently in the game when they ran fine in the Editor.

I messed around with another engine probably 10 or more years ago and it cleaned all unused assets out before packaging, I’m not sure if I was doing something wrong or not. Manually removing all the starter content & other assets is a monstrous chore, the engine retains references, some that I don’t think even exists.

But yeah, I totally agree.
I also had issues with trying to run my game on an older computer with Vista, not sure if it was the OS or the older graphics card, although UE4 is supposed to run on older setups. It was missing dll’s and I had to give up after trying to update it.

If you start without the starter content and make sure to rar it instead of zip then you can get the size down rather well.


thx, I might try that

reason I used & use zip file format is because it’s on my Windows 7 computer & most people have zip, where I’m not sure but doesn’t rar/rare needs another program?

Yeah but most people have something like winrar or 7-zip.

Thanks a lot for the video. Really kind of you

Here’s a video for the differently abled (Mac users)


Some great games here guys :slight_smile: sadly, I ran out of time, I could not learn blueprint quick enough :frowning: had lots of issues. I’m going to keep working on it.


Looks interesting. What exactly is the game about? :slight_smile:

it a 2 player game, where the stone would drop, and as the birds would move over their colored cube, these pillars would rise and push the stone to the goal. kind of like Foosball :slight_smile: I just couldn’t get the bird to move left and right, even when I made it a actor or pawn :frowning:

Nice idea :slight_smile: Make sure to post a download link when it is finished.

For the movement -> you could do it with a move to actor/location node. Everytime when the player presses A he adds 100 to the x axis and when you press D he removes 100 from x. :wink:

Keep working on it gizmosan, it’s a great learning experience & it looks really good. By the way, I know what you mean by time issues. lol

If dropping a stone doesn’t make sense for a regular game you would like to play normally, try to still use the concept. Just from the way it looks, I’d say it’d make a great strategy game.

I hate using event ticks but sometimes you have to, try what mentioned and tick it if you have to, for smooth movement. Ideally do events when you can to do what figher mentioned.

None the less, keep up the good work, I wouldn’t totally scrap idea. good luck :wink:

I wrote a blog post about the experiences I had in jam and recorded a gameplay video for my entry:


And yes, I’m also among the people who packaged all the starter content with their game, bringing the file size up.
Didn’t think of it when I panicly packaged it during the last jam hour, sorry about that.

I don’t know what that was, but I LIKED IT ! lol

thanks for sharing, BlayTheNinth & the blog post was very enlightening and with all those words flashing around I felt like I really learned something too. :slight_smile:

ps: I tried deleting the starter content & it had references inside it, even to stuff I’m not using, so had to leave it for now. again… amazing video & game
note: successfully deleted content folder, had to delete folder at the same time, so the references wouldn’t show up, pay attention to references to track them down & if not in use just delete all at once.

Excellent work! We’ve had a blast with playing them around the office :slight_smile:


It was really fun participating on the game jam, when will we receive the code redeemable for the 30 day subscription?

Thank you very much.

I think they have already added the 30 days to your account :slight_smile:

I just got a email about money being taken from my account to pay for unreal so that is not correct.

Hey - sending subscription codes out today!

Cool, thanks! :slight_smile:

Just wondering as well, when will the t-shirts be sent out and will we have to write down shipping details or something?

I’ll be reaching out to all the teams for that info as soon as theyre ready to head out