Not sure what this error means in materials editor.

I think I did that. All I had to do was click on the down arrow and select convert this comment into answer right

just did that and it looks b-e-a-utiful.

Lol, I see you converted your comment to an answer, close enough…to mark it resolved/answered click on the check mark under the answer above where I posted the screenshot.

Score! I love it when a plan comes together

I tried to make your comment the answer but the arrow wasn’t coming up.

Yeah! Now I just need to figure how to actually get the thing to change directions when I set it to xyz from an enum. Already have the list and the switch but being stubborn newborns in the blueprint don’t want to change directions. lol

This should help with that:

Ah dang, I was so close. I set it to the actual material that it was in, not the sky material. I was also testing the change from with in the game after hitting play and that wasn’t doing anything but I do not need that in the final game so I am just not going to worry about it. :slight_smile: Thank you again