(Not sure if bug) why are shadows blocky in 4.6 dynamic-lit-only?

Bit of a UE4 newbie here. The following steps result in unacceptably blocky shadows in 4.6 whereas in 4.5.1 they were smooth and beautiful IIRC:

  • start new project from 3rd-person starter template
  • in Project Settings / Rendering / Lighting, untick “Allow static lighting” checkbox
  • in World Settings / Lightmass, tick “Force no precomputed lighting” checkbox
  • in Build toolbar drop-down, set Lighting Quality to Production and click Build Lighting Only so that our “dynamic lighting only, no static lighting ever” paradigm is propagated
  • in Scene Outliner, select DirectionalLightStationary and change Mobility to Movable
  • add a Skylight

Hit Play and get this exceedingly ugly unacceptable rendering, notice the blocky wall shadows, the hardly perceptable player pawn shadow and unwanted light bleeding at the wall-ground intersection edges, all 3 most likely due to shadow map resolution:


Now I know I can tweak some shadow map settings in DirectionalLightStationary Details but nothing gets rid of the jaggies, no matter what I set! So this seems to me some new bug I’m afraid…

Hey metaleap,

Try going in to your Engine Scalability Settings and be sure the shadows are set to the ‘Epic’ setting. Use the image posted as a reference for locating the menu.

I say check here because I followed your steps and was only able to duplicate your results if my graphic quality settings were scaled down.


OMG so newbish of me, of course! Where was my mind today… thx heaps

AndrewHurley resolved it :wink:

Well not completely… If I “Play” in “Selected Viewport” or in “New Editor Window”, yes, but does not seem to carry over when hitting “Play” / “Standalone Game” (which I kinda prefer to switch from edit-feel to play-feel). Am I missing another setting somewhere or would that be a bug? Map is saved and so should be the “Settings”…

Have you rebuilt your scene and then saved?