Not able to enable Path-Tracer

Hi! I’m currently having trouble enabling path-tracer… I have enabled all of the specified options within the project settings. After restarting I still do not have the option to enable Path-Tracer. I can’t figure out why!? I’ve been stuck on this for a few days…

I currently have a Nvidia Geforce gtx 1060

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I have the same problem after upgrading one of my test projects from UE 5.0 to 5.1. Pathtracing was available in the last engine version but now is gone and I can’t bring it back.

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Did you solve this issue?

In 5.1 if I create a project as > Film Video & Live Events > Virtual Production > Raytracing Enabled
It automatically comes with the Path-Tracer mode for me.
But I am not using a GTX card. Hope that helps someone

Same here. I have just installed the newly released Unreal Engine 5.1 preview.

I follow the same guideline. All are loading except the path tracing option in the menu.

My workstation has GTX 1080 TI with an updated driver. Is it a bug or are you guys also facing same?

I am having the same issue, activated everything and when rendering with movie render queue and path tracing i get the error that path tracing is not active.
I’m using a GTX 1660ti

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Looks like they’ve disabled path tracing for pre-rtx graphic cards for some reason. There seems to be a solution to this but it’s way too much of a hassle. Solved : Cant Enable RayTracing in UE5 (gtx 1060)(Nvidia Pascal) - #24 by Julian_Stys

Solution: Solved : Cant Enable RayTracing in UE5 (gtx 1060)(Nvidia Pascal) - #111 by Jimbohalo10

Tell me if you solved this problem, because I have a similar one and I don’t know where to look for a solution.
thank you

This anyone that’s experiencing this issue - the answer or solution to this enabling:

  • Platforms > Windows > Targeted RHIs > Default RHI: DirectX 12