Just recently reinstalled my Win10, everything updated. And all the software, Unreal Engine 5.5.3, Visual Studio 2022, with VS installer added all necessary stuff as usual.
Tried to create fresh new Third Person project(C++). All successful, in VS everything looks fine, but can not compile for the first time(clicking the compile button in UE of course):
Total execution time: 1.77 seconds
Expecting to find a type to be declared in a module rules named ‘VisualStudioTools’ in ‘UE5Rules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’. This type must derive from the ‘ModuleRules’ type defined by UnrealBuildTool.
Default UE plugin for VS(Integration Tool) is present and enabled by default. What is it, and why am I not able to start simple brand new CPP UE project?
It seems that you can not follow standard VS integration routine provided by Microsoft when connecting your UE projects in VS anymore.
As I remember, in Unreal there was only two plugins for Visual Studio, now there is some third which does nothing but spoils everything(causing the thing I posted here).
Do not enable this plugin and everything should be fine as before:
As of Visual Studio 2022 version 17.9, the Visual Studio Integration Tool for Unreal Engine is no longer needed. If you haven’t already, I suggest updating your Visual Studio to the newet version, and remove the Visual Studio Integration Tool. That should get it sorted out
As a suggestion, check if you are using the correct Visual Studio 2022 compiler version, the latest preferred version is 14.38.33130, maybe you are using 14.43.34808 or above.
As @JFarrow said, you’re on a newer version than 17.9. All versions after 17.9 do not require the Visual Studio Integration Tool. You can delete it, as you no longer need it.