Not able to build UE4 from source

So, I was trying to build UE4 from source, followed the steps perfectly, when I tried to build the UE4.sln, I get the following error.

I use visual studio 2022, with all the components and build tools required, installed.
Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Ultronic ( “-tronic” gang grows :slight_smile: )

The error is mentioned in this thread and they claimed that it’s related to plugins…

Which branch are you trying to build? (If it’s ue5-main, this might just be a temporary issue)

Hope that helps, welcome to the forums!

Hy Astrotronic,
I am trying to build ue4.27.2
I didn’t really get the solution, what plugins exactly?
And the my error is slightly different than that error, so the specific solution that they provided doesn’t seem to work.

Ah I see, 4.27.2 should be stable. Good question about plugins, in my mind they were talking about one of the plugins that’s included with the engine. (I recall having troubles with that in the past)

This might be bad advice, but trying Visual Studio 2019 could be worth a shot. (If anyone out there is compiling the engine with 2022 and not seeing issues please correct me!)

Hope that helps