Normal - VFX Creator spawns too much sprites when using a custom Niagara emitter

Here is how the effect should look in-game :

This is how it actually looks in-game:

Seems like the effect is multiplied by a lot, it even makes the game lag when the effect is triggered. I played with the VFX Creator options, but they don’t change anything since the emitter is replaced with a custom one.

So you are adding the Niagara emitter to the VFX Creator DEVICE?

How is that possible?


Yes, by changing the emitter in the device’s niagara component. It’s pretty much the only way I found to trigger an effect on and off. The enable during phase event works.

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Interesting! Thank you!

Anything in Devices/Legacy folder is not officially supported atm, just keep in mind. Drop in your scene a niagara particle, then hook it up to a sequencer and control its System through it. VFX Creator is a legacy device atm