Hello everyone, I noticed a strange problem, on the normal map there are seams, always, I baked a normal map in blender and substance painter, the problem remains, how to solve the problem? (normal map is clear).
Your tangent space is slightly different between UV shells. Consider making 6 UV islands that you have, a perfect squares, without relaxing them. UVs will have more distortion, but the seams should be less noticable. Additionally, you might need to enable high precision normals in the project settings for more precision with reflections.
try to do it this way:
vetex normals on the borders of uv must be splited,
and the normal map is re-baked for new vertex normals,
at import to recalculate normals MikkTspace.
if you enable the display of vertex normals in the editor, you will see that they are splited at the UVseams, this is a rendering feature, and this should be taken into account by 3d artists.