Normal: Docs mistake? - Verse examples use Log() where I think they mean to use Logger.Print()?

Some small inconsistencies in the docs, but I think they make a difference for beginners.

I first noticed this in the Verse docs section about Arrays, but then once I started looking for it I found it on other pages too like Map and Range . I already knew that if I want to print something to the logs I can use Logger.Print, so just substituted that for Log and it’s fine. But if I were newer to Verse or to coding in general I might be confused.

Here is a snippet I tried to copy into my Verse script, from the docs:

ExampleArray : []int = array{10, 20, 30, 40, 50}
for (Index := 0..ExampleArray.Length-1):
    if (Element := ExampleArray[Index]):
        Log("{Element} in ExampleArray at index {Index}")

In VSCode any strings I write inside of Log() get a red squiggly underline, and error message saying "The function parameter expects a value of type tuple (float, float), but this argument is an incompatible value of type []char.

My guess is that at the time when some of the examples were written for the docs, Log() was used for logging in Verse, but the function’s meaning has changed. In the Verse digest file, “Log” is described as “Return the logarithm with the base of Val.” That’s why it wants floats instead of strings.

On a related note, I notice that sometimes in the docs snippets like on the page for Task, MyLog.Print is used instead of Logger.Print. I understand that in Verse we can name the log anything we want, but I think it would be clearer if Logger.Print was used across the board in the docs. Logger is the name given to the log by default in the starter Verse script, so that’s how all creators’ scripts will be formatted unless they choose to customize it.

The MyLog vs Logger issue might sound nitpicky, but as a beginner who copies and pastes a lot of code to learn, one less red squiggly line to worry about makes a difference. :slightly_smiling_face:

Other than this, I’m finding the examples helpful, so thanks! :pray: