Normal - Creature Spawner v2 Bug

If you have the Creature Spawner device set to be disabled at the game start, enable it via a channel; all creatures spawned from this device will stand still and not path-find, regardless of the floor it spawns on. If the device is set to be enabled at the game start, creatures will move around as intended and not be frozen in place.

We’re also experiencing this issue.

This sounds kinda similar to Critical - Creature Manager disables AI movement

cc @Cleverlike_Studios


@SnowSoftServe @Rynex_FNC are you also using a creature manager device with your creature spawner? I’m trying to reproduce the issue in a completely empty level with a creature spawner and trigger device but I’m unable to. If you’re still seeing this issue and can reproduce could you take a video of the issue and upload it?

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The creature managers are the cause for it. If I have fiends spawning, with a creature manager set to fiends in the world, they will not move when enabling the device, if I switch the creature manager to red-fiends, and the creature spawner spawns normal fiends, they walk around normally