Normal - Asset Importing - Cannot set pivot

Cannot set a custom pivot on an imported object. “Set pivot here (snapped)” stops working as soon as I deselect the object, and “set as pivot offset” has the same effect.

  1. [4:15 PM]
    Asset: chair.uasset (25.5 KB)

Oh is this an imported FBX file? Would you mind attaching it to this thread? That would be probably be the fastest way for us to ensure we’re testing the same thing.

Added in OP

I think this is the intended behavior. “Set Pivot Offset Here” and “Set Pivot Offset Here (snapped)” are temporary adjustments while the object is selected. If you want to save that new location as the pivot point permanently, before deselecting you just then also select “Set as pivot offset” from the same menu and it will stay there. At least that seems to be working for me in today’s build.

Oh I see you did try both in that video above, but I’m trying using that same mesh, actually, and it’s preserving the pivot. I just have it placed as a FortStaticMeshActor though. But I think this is an issue specific to Props, as I am seeing that props don’t allow you to save the offset.

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Ok, we did determine this is a “feature” for props so that the pivot point will be centered automatically so it rotates around it’s center. It looks like it was originally intended to not reset the pivot to the center if snapping was disabled, but that does not appear to be happening. So there is a bug for that, but it seems like there’s a lot of different use cases and scenarios that need to be thought out here, so they’ll continue discussing the best approach here.

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