Noob question about lighting system - why's everything either too dark or too bright

Hi, I’m trying to make my scene more toned but no matter what I do everything seems to be both too dark and too bright depending on it’s position relative to the directional light i think.

I’ve tried to play with the shadows in project settings, with options in directional light / sky light / fod / etc, but I just can’t get it right.

Today I thought that maybe I’ve broken something playing with the project settings, so I’ve created a new project from “Third person” template, new level from “Basic level” template, downloaded grass from quixel bridge, created landscape and painted it.

This is the result

Grass is way too bright (seconds: 0-7), way too dark (seconds: 8-10), it’s perfect in the static mesh preview (seconds 23-30).

How can I make it so the grass appears in-game like it does in the static mesh preview?

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It’s just that MS grass. Try a different model :slight_smile:

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Yeah, grass is tricky to get right, this seems to be mostly from the normals facing out or being billboards, if the normals for the grass are straight up, you wont get any color shifting from the camera angle changing. But some shifting can look good, so then you need to play with the normals and sub surface color. It’s messy and not fun, and most people settle on good enough.

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Thank you guys, to be honest I thought that megascan assets are the good stuff, but I’ve tried “temperate Vegetation” and it looks exactly how I would expect it to. Now I’m gonna look for replacements for other MS vegetation assets I’ve already downloaded.

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There’s something ‘hinky’ in the shader for that grass, not quite sure what. It also has white roots which, while true to reality, doesn’t work very well when placed in a level en masse.

Maybe they’re meant to be used in other things than games, eq polished renders or cinematics?

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