Non Real Time Simulation in Game

In a packaged game I need to be able to view unreal as it normally would like with realtime features, but then increase the settings to 11 and render a movie frame by frame outputting as an image sequence.

I’m having issues currently with getting the game simulation (inc. materials, media playback) to PAUSE while I take a second to render using an array of scene capture cubes and dump to disk, then RESUME the game for exactly one frame @ 30fps before pausing everything and rendering again. I tried with

SetGamePaused(false), delay(1/30), SetGamePaused(true)

to let the simulation run for one frame, but that must be wrong since the clouds seem to be moving faster than they would normally. Also the media player (loaded with a local mp4) seems to ignore it and play anyway.

My next attempt was to pause the media player and seek to the timecode of the frame I wanted to render but that unreliable and filled with stuttering.

Is it possible to use the movie render queue at runtime to do what I need?

Alternatively I came across the command line args for rendering which includes
BENCHMARK, DUMPMOVIE and FPS, but I’m not sure how to use these or if they will even do what I want.

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I have similar question as you and am looking forward to a solution.

Just change the max time dilation and min time dilation to same value as the expected delta time in the “world setting pannel”.