After paying for this product, as soon as I try to run it I get a pop-up saying “Error no version information received” then if I hit ok to that & try to sign in anyway I get one saying “Error did not get a response are you connected to the internet” (which I am, obviously.)
hi there, nocturna76…
still not resolved this problem?
im also having this problem after updating to 4.1 …I searched for answer in U4 answerhub ,there’s some1 said change the DNS server,(sorry I cant find the posting again) anyway…he suggested use OPEN DNS server,…i googled in open dns Wikipedia …
I changed my IPv4 only…and launcher worked again…
hope this can help you…
sorry for my English…
hi again , anyway I found the post…this is the link
ok , hope this help you and others who got the sameproblem…
After figuring out what IPv4 even was, mine is already set to detect automatically,but i’m STILL getting the same errors…As for open DNS, are you saying I have to pay for some Domain Name Service just to use the Unreal ENgine I already paid for? If that’s the case, it should be listed as a “mandatory additional purchase” because right now I already paid for 1 product I cannot use at all, & now I’m being told I have to pay for another? I am feeling extremely ripped off/scammed/conned by Unreal right now & my next click will most likely be to unsubscribe, though still that won’t help me get my $19 back!
I posted logs over in another thread I was directed to. It’s here: Error: No version information received on launch - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums
Alas, right now, nothing at all has fixed the problem, so I’m just waiting to see if any real solution is provided before the next billing cycle on June 1. If not, I’ll have no choice but to cancel my subscription, lose my $19, & hope I can somehow find some other game engine instead. But anyway, yes, I posted logs on that other thread if you wanted to look at them.
Hi nocturna76,
Apologies for your troubles! I’d love to see if there’s a way we can fix things. Can you turn on verbose logging by doing the following:
Open up DefaultEngine.ini, you can find it here: “c:\program files\unreal engine\launcher\engine\programs\noredist\unrealenginelauncher\config” and add the following section to the end:
Then attach your logs from the following directory “c:\users\YOUR_USER\appdata\local\unrealenginelauncher\saved\logs” and post a zip of your folder here. Thanks!
I’ve never had to set up one of those for any reason ever before, so I wouldn’t even know how to go about doing so…I’m just getting really
frustrated, It should not be this impossible to just get the program to launch, considering I already had to pay for it, it should work.
I was having the same issue.
But adding thirdparty DNS worked for me.
Try these DNS: and
I hope this helps you
Yes this is weird. But this is the one solution that seems to work at the moment. As for the reason for the error, it could be related to a recent DNS record update that went wrong. DNS record changes usually take 24 to 48 hours to propagate world-wide. So I hope this issue might be fixed within the next 24 hours. Or it could be a temporary issue with our DNS server itself.
I had encountered similar issues with steam platform and sometimes lose access to major sites for hours (very rarely though).
So I say lets wait 24 hours and see if this gets fixed. In the meantime you could use thirdparty DNS to get around the issue. Google also provides a free DNS service( IP addresses and which I usually use as a secondary DNS all the time.
How to set DNS:
If you are on Windows 7, goto Network&Sharing > Adapter Settings
If you are using dial-up for connection, find the connection here and right click->Properties. Otherwise, find you Network Adapter and right click->Properties. In the ‘Networking’ tab, select ‘Internet protocol v4 IPV4’ and click ‘Properties’. At the bottom section, select ‘Use the follwoing server addresess’. Now type in the two IP addresses, Press OK. You might have to re-connect your internet after this.
If you have dialup (which is what I use), this is what its properties might look like:
If you have always-on internet, select the LAN card and then its properties(which very similar to above image. except it has different number of tabs on top)
In either scenario, select ‘IPv4’ from the list and click ‘Properties’. which will give you this window. Populate the bottom part with third party DNS and press ‘OK’
think i did everything correctly & i’m still getting the same errors & still completely unable to launch the program,
Depending on how you connect to internet, you might have to re-connect your connection. Or better yet, restart your PC. Form these images, looks like you are using a wireless connection (WiFi ?).
Please try restarting your PC.
And if you could, please show me a screenshot of your Adapter list. I might be able to help you
i’ve reconnected, restarted, reinstalled, did all the things other people have suggested & still, the same 2 errors every single time sigh anyway, here’s the screenshot, (home sec 8 is my default connection)
Try changing the gateways on both Adapters (ie the last two icons in your image).
And for a change, try using google’s DNS servers.
Now that I think about it, if your ISP is advanced enough to be using IPV6, you can use google’s IPV6 DNS as well. (In this case you will edit properties of IPV6)
Google IPv6 DNS:
Once you have reconnected, type ipconfig /all in a command prompt and verify the gateways.
So, I’ve reset the IPv6 to the numbers you gave me & reconnected, & I’m still getting the same errors I’ve been getting all along. I didn’t see any command prompt options anywhere though.
To start the command prompt, click on ‘Start’ button or press ‘Window’ key. Type cmd and press Enter
Now type ipconfig /all in this new window and press Enter
You will see a rather long list filled with technical things. Scroll through it and find the DNS Servers listing as shown in the screenshot in previous comment. Make sure they are same as the new DNS server IPs you just setup. If they are not this means for some reason the DNS server list was not changed…which is strange.
PS: I know its silly, but make sure you press ‘OK’ on every dialogue box you opened for changing the DNS IPs.
PPS: After changing the gateways, you can still connect to internet and access other sites? (google, yahoo?)
I think these are the numbers you gave me, so if so, then it should be working, but I’m still getting the same 2 errors that I’ve been getting since paying for this program.
I am clueless. Yes looks like you changed the DNS servers correctly.
I hope your problem will be resolved soon. If its is some kind of DNS record issues, it might start working after 24 hours. In anycase try emailing EPIC support directly.
Sorry I could not be more helpful.
Just one more check. can you access in your web browser…or does it give you Server not found error? Because when I had this problem, I was unable to access the site until I changed the DNS.
I had no problem accessing the site you linked and as for emailing support, I thought this answerhub thing was the only option they offered to get any help at all.
You are in the correct place to get help, and we are working to investigate your issue.
You can email Epic Games only for help with billing and your account status.
I posted this problem a full week ago, when I paid for this “product” & I still have yet to receive any solution that allows me to even launch the program, let alone do anything else with it.