No owning connection for actor

i just want to replicated turrets 360 rotation in Tank System i replicated every thing but it say that (LogNet: Warning: UNetDriver::ProcessRemoteFunction: No owning connection for actor t90_C_1. Function ServerJullanawa will not be processed.)

could someone tell me how to solve it ,thank you so mutch for helping

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Are you possesing the tank in the game mode derived class?
In the “Event OnPostLogin” after the player logs on are you spawning the tank from a class and then possessing it through a passed controller?

The warning is telling your turret actor “t90” which you are trying to fire server RPCs from isn’t owned by the client and thus your RPC function is absorbed. For it to be executed on the other side, you should ensure that your turret actor is owned by either one of the player controlled actors, and in your case, it best fits the PlayerController.

If that turret is a pawn, which I assume it should be, then it’s as easy as calling Possess on the spawned turret pawn. If not then you should consider using SetOwner, to route RPCs from the turret actor itself or either route your RPCs through the PlayerController. Both functions are called server-side!


I don’t think its that simple. Possessing can only be done by the authority, so in order to tell the server to do this, you have to send an RPC from the client to the server, which you can’t do from that actor, cause it has no owning connection.

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