Just Google the Direct3DDevice->CreateBuffer on web you will find a lot of report in games and the fixes is just only add detali log that make non-sense,the reason behind the anomaly is actually,with DX10 only drivers,UE4 cannot properly handle the D3D11 rendering API request.
For example inside /Engine/Source/Runtime/Windows/D3D11RHI/Private/D3D11StructuredBuffer.cpp file,you will find that
VERIFYD3D11RESULT_EX(Direct3DDevice->CreateBuffer(&Desc,pInitData,StructuredBufferResource.GetInitReference()), Direct3DDevice);
function,the IintData pointer was initiated by the D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA which is completely not support by the last avaliable driver for ATI’s DX10 GPUs.In contrast NVIDIA’s driver can at least handle such calls properly with thier DX10 GPUs possiblely done some simple abstraction inside their driver.
In fact,most developer of Unreal said the UE4 is a native D3D10 eninge so this is not very strange.
Two solutions,add a simple adbstraction layer to convert API calls like D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA to the corresponding D3D10_SUBRESOURCE_DATA in DX10 or port D3D10RHI from UE3 to give native support of DX10/SM4